Web TV BO Adapter 5.7
This guide explains how to integrate DIVA with DIVA BO using DIVA BoAdapter into your Web based SmartTV application.
Our SDK is designed to use on modern SmartTV devices with support for backward compatibility, up to:
- SmartTV
- Tizen 2015 and up
- WebOS 2.0 and up
- Sky Boxes
- Amidala
- XiOne / Beethoven
The sdk requires DIVA sdk to run.
If using npm and a bundler, React and React DOM are peer dependecies so npm will try to use your versions, the other dependencies are downloaded.
If it is not supposed to bundle diva and dependencies toghether a version with everything bundled is available in index.reactBundled.min.js
SDK Setup​
- Add
to your.npmrc
file - Install the SDK
npm install @deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk
Diva BO Adapter gives programmatic access to the standard providers and to common plugins used by the DIVA player SDK when connected to DIVA BO.
- React App
- No React
- No package manager
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
// bo adapter sdk
import { DivaWebTvBoAdapter } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-bo-adapter";
// css needs to be takend from diva sdk
import "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-sdk/index.min.css";
// bo settings link
const SETTINGS_URL = "https://example.com/settings.json";
// id of the video to be runned
const VIDEO_ID = "123456789890";
const init = {
const libs = {
mux: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mux.js/6.2.0/mux.min.js',
shaka: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/shaka-player/4.8.5/shaka-player.compiled.js',
hlsJs: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@1.5.7',
googleIMA: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js',
googleDAI: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3_dai.js',
googleCast: 'https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js?loadCastFramework=1',
threeJs: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/0.148.0/three.min.js',
export const App = () => (
// bo adapter sdk
import { createDivaWebTvBoAdapter } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-bo-adapter";
// css needs to be takend from diva sdk
import "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-sdk/index.min.css";
// bo settings link
const SETTINGS_URL = "https://example.com/settings.json";
// id of the video to be runned
const VIDEO_ID = "123456789890";
const init = {
const libs = {
mux: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mux.js/6.2.0/mux.min.js',
shaka: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/shaka-player/4.8.5/shaka-player.compiled.js',
hlsJs: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@1.5.7',
googleIMA: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js',
googleDAI: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3_dai.js',
googleCast: 'https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js?loadCastFramework=1',
threeJs: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/0.148.0/three.min.js',
const el = document.getElementById("video-player-container");
(async () => {
const divaBo = await createDivaWebTvBoAdapter({
settingsUrl: SETTINGS_URL,
// to be run when it is required to cleanup diva after its usage
const onUnmount = () => {
} catch (e) {
// here it is possible to react to BoAdapterIssues
<!-- ... -->
<script src="path/to/diva/webTVBOAdapter.reactBundled{targetEnv}.js"></script>
<link rel="path/to/diva/webTVSdk.reactBundled{targetEnv}.css" />
<!-- ... -->
<div id="diva-container"></div>
<!-- ... -->
// bo settings link
const SETTINGS_URL = "https://example.com/settings.json";
// id of the video to be runned
const VIDEO_ID = "123456789890";
const init = {
const libs = {
mux: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mux.js/6.2.0/mux.min.js',
shaka: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/shaka-player/4.8.5/shaka-player.compiled.js',
hlsJs: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@1.5.7',
googleIMA: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js',
googleDAI: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3_dai.js',
googleCast: 'https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js?loadCastFramework=1',
threeJs: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/0.148.0/three.min.js',
const el = document.getElementById("diva-container");
(async () => {
const divaBo = await divaWebtvBoAdapter.createDivaWebTvBoAdapter({
settingsUrl: SETTINGS_URL,
// to be run when it is required to cleanup diva after its usage
const onUnmount = () => {
} catch (e) {
// here it is possible to react to BoAdapterIssues
Property | Type | Default | Description |
Mandatory | |||
Property: settingsUrl | type:string | Default: NA | url to reach diva bo adapter settings for the specific project |
Property: languageCode | type:string | Default: NA | pushengine language |
Property: init | type: | Default: NA | initialization data for DIVA BO adapter |
Property: el (only vanilla js/react embedded) | type:HTML div element reference | Default: NA | HTML div element where diva should be started into |
Property: libs | type: | Default: NA | libraries required |
Optional | |||
Property: languageDictionary | type:string | Default: NA | dictionary language, defaults to `languageCode` |
Property: mediaAnalyticsParam | type: | Default: undefined | properties useful to implement media analytics |
Property: entitlementConfiguration | type: | Default: undefined | properties useful to implement entitlement |
Property: accessibility | type: | Default: undefined | accessibility options |
Property: navigationActive | type:boolean (reactive on React) | Default: true | flag to enable or disable navigation inside the component |
Property: keyboardActive | type:boolean (reactive on React) | Default: true | flag to enable/disable keyboard navigation support |
Property: remoteActive | type:boolean (reactive on React) | Default: true | flag to enable/disable navigation through remote |
Property: gamepadActive | type:boolean (reactive on React) | Default: true | flag to enable/disable gamepad navigation support |
Property: noTransitions | type:boolean | Default: false | flag to disable css transitions |
Property: noControlsGradientBackground | type:boolean | Default: false | flag to disable css gradient backgrounds |
Property: unfreezeShakaAtMediaQualityChanges | type:boolean | Default: false | flag to toggle play pause in case of bitrate switches. Hack for sky xione and harmonic stream. It needs at least shaka 3.3.19 |
Middleware | |||
Property: videoMetadataMap | type:(videoMetadata: VideoMetadata) => Promise<VideoMetadata> | Default: undefined | asynchronous middleware for the app to interact and modify the videoMetadata as soon as videoMetadata is returned from the request (passthrough if not defined) |
Callbacks | |||
Property: onDivaBoAdapterError | type:(e: unknown) => void | Default: undefined | notify errors on bo adapter start (React) |
Property: setAPI | type:(apiRef: DivaAPI) => void | Default: undefined | provide as soon as possible an imperative api to interact with the player |
Property: onVideoError | type:(error: VideoError, videoMetadata: VideoMetadata) => void | Default: undefined | notify about video playing errors |
Property: onEvent | type:(event: { type: 'BACK_PRESS_OUTSIDE' }) => boolean | Promise<boolean> | Default: undefined | actually used only for cases when the user is leaving the player with BACK_PRESS_OUTSIDE |
Property: onAnalytics | type:(event: GenericEvent) => void | Default: undefined | notify analytics events |
Property: onMediaAnalytics | type:(event: MediaEvent) => void | Default: undefined | notify media analytics events |
Property: onTtsMessage | type:(data: TtsData) => void | Default: undefined | notify text to be converted to speech fo accessibility |
Property: onPlayerPosition | type:(position: { relativePosition: number; absolutePosition: Date }) => void | Default: undefined | notify as frequent as possible the position reached by the player in the playing video |
Property: onPlayerMaxPosition | type:(position: { relativePosition: number; absolutePosition: Date }) => void | Default: undefined | Called when player max position (both relative to the video logical start and unix timecode) of the main video changes |
Property: onPlaybackRate | type:(rate: number) => void | Default: undefined | Called when playback speed of the main video changes |
Property: onPlayerState | type:(state: PlayerState) => void | Default: undefined | Called when player state of the main video changes |
Property: onPreferredAudioTrack | type:(value: string) => void | Default: undefined | notify about changes in the audiotrack selected by the user |
Property: onPreferredCCTrack | type:(value: string) => void | Default: undefined | notify about changes about cc selected by the user |
Property: onVideoEnd | type:()=>void | Default: undefined | notify when the playing video reaches the end |
Typescript interfaces for Properties​
BoAdapterWebTvProps and BoAdapterWebTvVanillaProps
interface BoAdapterWebTvNoComponentProps {
* url to reach diva bo adapter settings for the specific project
settingsUrl: string;
* pushengine language
languageCode: string;
* dictionary language
languageDictionary?: string;
* notify errors on bo adapter start
onDivaBoAdapterError?: OnDivaBoAdapterError;
* initialization data for DIVA BO adapter
init: BoAdapterWebTvNoComponentInitProps;
* a middleware for the app to interact and modify the videoMetadata as soon as videoMetadata is returned
* from the request (passthrough if not defined)
videoMetadataMap?: VideoMetadataMap;
* properties useful to implement media analytics
mediaAnalyticsParam?: MediaAnalyticsProps;
* properties useful to implement entitlement
entitlementConfiguration?: BoEntitlementConfiguration;
* callback used to notify video errors during reproduction
onVideoError?: OnVideoError;
* flag to enable or disable navigation inside the component
navigationActive?: boolean;
* actually used only for cases when the user is leaving the player with `BACK_PRESS_OUTSIDE`
onEvent?: OnEventType;
* provide asynchronously an imperative api to interact with the player
setAPI?: SetApi;
* notify about changes in the audio-track selected by the user
onPreferredAudioTrack?: OnPreferredAudioTrack;
* notify about changes about cc selected by the user
onTextTrackSelected?: OnTextTrackSelected;
* notify analytics events
onAnalytics?: OnAnalytics;
* notify media analytics events
onMediaAnalytics?: OnMediaAnalytics;
* text to provide assistive text support
onTtsMessage?: TtsCb;
* notify the position of the playback
onPlayerPosition?: OnPlayerPosition;
* accessibility options
accessibility?: AccessibilityOptions;
* libraries required
libs: Libs;
* flag to enable/disable keyboard navigation support
keyboardActive?: boolean;
* flag to enable/disable navigation through remote
remoteActive?: boolean;
* flag to enable/disable gamepadNavigation support
gamepadActive?: boolean;
* flag to disable css transitions to speed up the player, default false
noTransitions?: boolean;
* flag to disable css gradient below controls, default false
noControlsGradientBackground?: boolean;
* flag to toggle play pause in case of bitrate switches
* Hack for sky xione and harmonic stream.
* It needs at least shaka 3.3.19
unfreezeShakaAtMediaQualityChanges?: boolean;
interface BoAdapterWebTvProps extends BoAdapterWebTvNoComponentProps {
DivaWebTV: (props: DivaWebTVProps) => JSX.Element | null;
interface BoAdapterWebTvVanillaProps extends BoAdapterWebTvNoComponentProps {
el: HTMLElement;
createDivaWebTV: CreateDivaWebTV;
BO Adapter initProps are the same as those in the DIVA webTV SDK, excluding setting
property, because it's extracted from BO settings response.
Typescript interfaces for InitProps​
interface BoAdapterWebTvNoComponentInitProps {
* id of the video to play
videoId: string;
* type of the deep link type
deepLinkType?: DeepLinkType;
* value of the deep link in milliseconds
deepLinkValue?: string;
* if HDR is enabled or not
hdrMode?: boolean;
* CC track to start with (if present)
preferredCCTrackName?: string;
* Audio track to start with (if present)
preferredAudioTrackName?: string;
hlsJsConfigOverrides?: any;
shakaConfigOverrides?: any;
bitratePreferences?: BitratePrefs;
Typescript interfaces for Entitlement configuration​
interface BoEntitlementConfiguration {
* platform parameter used to request entitlement token
entitlementPlatform?: string;
otherParameters?: Record<string, string>;
* function that returns the user token
entitlementUser?: () => string;
* default to "HTML5", used in the entitlement "PlayerType" request parameter
entitlementPlayerType?: string;
Media Analytics​
Property | Type | Default | Description |
Optional | |||
Property: viewerId | type:string | Default: "" | viewer id passed down to media analytics platforms |
Property: userName | type:string | Default: "" | user name passed down to media analytics platforms |
Property: playerVersion | type:string | Default: "" | player version parameter passed down to media analytics platforms |
Property: playerType | type:string | Default: "" | player type parameter passed down to media analytics platforms |
Property: cdnName | type:string | Default: "" | cdn name parameter passed down to media analytics platforms |
Property: omLibs | type:object | Default: undefined | It's an object of type:{omWeb: string; omSessionClient: string;} .It contains the libs urls for OpenMeasurement hosted by project. It's mandatory to make OM work. Download libs files |
Callbacks | |||
Property: mediaAnalyticsEventHandler | type:(event: MediaEvent) => void | Default: undefined | additional callback for notifying media analytics events |
Middlewares | |||
Property: customTag | type:(videoMetadata: VideoMetadataClean) => Record<string, string> | Default: undefined | custom tag generator |
Property: customDimensions | type:(videoMetadata: VideoMetadataClean) => string[] | Default: undefined | custom dimensions generator |
Property: customDeviceMetadata | type:() => ConvivaDeviceMetadata | Default: undefined | custom device metadata generator for Conviva |
Typescript interfaces for Media Analytics Configuration​
export interface MediaAnalyticsProps {
* custom tag generator
customTag?: CustomTagGenerator;
* custom dimensions
customDimensions?: CustomDimensionsGenerator;
* custom device metadata generator for Conviva
customDeviceMetadata?: CustomDeviceMetadataGenerator;
* additional callback for media analytics events.
mediaAnalyticsEventHandler?: OnMediaAnalyticsEventHandler;
* viewer id passed down to media analytics platforms
viewerId?: string;
* user name passed down to media analytics platforms
userName?: string;
* player version passed down to media analytics platforms
playerVersion?: string;
* player type parameter passed down to media analytics platforms
playerType?: string;
* cdn name parameter passed down to media analytics platforms
cdnName?: string;
* urls for OpenMeasurement libs hosted by project
omLibs?: {
omWeb: string;
omSessionClient: string;
Typescript interfaces for BitratePrefs​
export interface BitratePrefs {
* kbps (-1 means disabled)
max?: number;
* kbps (-1 means disabled)
min?: number;
* kbps (-1 means disabled)
starting?: number;
useLast?: boolean;
Platform detection​
It is possible to detect the actual platform running in a consistent way with DIVA WebTV Bo Adapter using the methods exposed here:
function | type | description |
isSkyQ | ()=>boolean | true if SkyQ box is detected |
isTizen | ()=>boolean | true if Tizen TV is detected |
isWebOS | ()=>boolean | true if WebOS TV is detected |
getSmartTvPlatform | ()=>WebTvPlatformTypes | return the platform detected |
type WebTvPlatformTypes = 'Tizen' | 'WebOs' | 'SkyQ' | 'Generic';
- With package manager
- No package manager
import { isSkyQ } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-bo-adapter";
import type { BoAdapterWebTvProps } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-bo-adapter";
const skyFixes: Partial<BoAdapterWebTvProps> = {
noControlsGradientBackground: true,
noTransitions: true,
unfreezeShakaAtMediaQualityChanges: true,
// props will contain sky fixes only if diva notice that the app is running on supported Sky boxes
const getPropsWithSkyFixes = (props:BoAdapterWebTvProps):BoAdapterWebTvProps => ({
...isSkyQ() ? skyFixes : {}
<!-- ... -->
<script src="path/to/divaBoAdapter/index.reactBundled{targetEnv}.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->
const { isSkyQ } = divaWebtvBoAdapter;
const skyFixes = {
noControlsGradientBackground: true,
noTransitions: true,
unfreezeShakaAtMediaQualityChanges: true,
// props will contain sky fixes only if diva notice that the app is running on supported Sky boxes
const getPropsWithSkyFixes = (props) => ({
...isSkyQ() ? skyFixes : {}
Imperative API to interact with the player.
Typescript interfaces for DIVA API​
interface DivaAPI {
* It will force DIVA to request a new VideoMetadata through videoMetadataProvider
requestVideoMetadataUpdate: (videoId?: string) => void;
// Getters
* It returns the player position (both relative to the video logical start and unix timeCode as Date) of the video.
getPlayerPosition: (videoId?: string) => { relative: number; absolute: Date };
* It returns the player duration (both relative to the video logical duration and absolute end point as a Date) of the video.
getPlayerDuration: (videoId?: string) => { relative: number; absolute: Date };
// Actions
* It pauses video playback..
pause: () => void;
* It starts the video playback.
* @returns the videoElement play promise.
play: () => Promise<void>;
* It seeks the video playback.
* @param value number, milliseconds value relative to the video start time.
* @returns A promise usefull to check when the action is done.
seek: (value: number) => Promise<void>;
* It seeks back the video playback by the value get from videoMetadata.behaviour.seekInterval. Default 10 seconds.
skipBack: () => Promise<void>;
* It seeks forward the video playback by the value get from videoMetadata.behaviour.seekInterval. Default 10 seconds.
* @returns A promise usefull to check when the action is done.
skipForward: () => Promise<void>;
* It seeks the video playback by percentage.
* @param value number, percentage from 0 to 100.
* @returns A promise usefull to check when the action is done.
seekPercentage: (value: number) => Promise<void>;
* It seeks the video playback by Date object.
* @param value Date
* @returns A promise usefull to check when the action is done.
seekAbsolute: (value: Date) => Promise<void>;
* It sets the minimum distance between icons on timeline.
* @param value number, in pixels. Default 40. Take in considerations 1080p resolution..
setTimelineIconsMinDistance: (value: number) => void;
// Advanced UI actions
* It opens audio panel.
openAudioPanel: () => void;
* It opens subtitles panel.
openSubtitlePanel: () => void;
* It opens settings panel.
openSettingsPanel: () => void;
* It opens videolist view.
openVideoList: () => void;
* It sends a custom key press.
sendCustomKeypress: (key: Key, e?: KeyboardEvent) => void;
* Fires an event of the specified type with an optional payload.
* Used for Ad beaconing.
* @param type - The type of the event.
* @param payload - The payload associated with the event.
fireEvent: (type: AnalyticsMediaEventType, payload?: { ad: Ad }) => void;
* Exposed path resolver
value: string,
options?: {
videoId?: string; // if not provided it will fallback to main item
data?: Record<string, string>;
dontApplyDefault?: boolean;
): string;
* Single command entry point for: mute, pause, play, set playback rate, seek, seek absolute
sendPlayerCommand: (command: DivaCommand, interactive: boolean) => void | Promise<void>;
// DIVA Commands interfaces
export enum DivaCommandName {
MUTE = 'mute',
PAUSE = 'pause',
PLAY = 'play',
PLAYBACK_RATE = 'playback-rate',
SEEK = 'seek',
SEEK_ABSOLUTE = 'seek-absolute',
interface DivaCommandBase {
videoId?: string;
command: DivaCommandName;
export interface DivaCommandMute extends DivaCommandBase {
command: DivaCommandName.MUTE;
value: boolean;
export interface DivaCommandPause extends DivaCommandBase {
command: DivaCommandName.PAUSE;
export interface DivaCommandPlay extends DivaCommandBase {
command: DivaCommandName.PLAY;
export interface DivaCommandPlaybackRate extends DivaCommandBase {
command: DivaCommandName.PLAYBACK_RATE;
value: number;
export interface DivaCommandSeek extends DivaCommandBase {
command: DivaCommandName.SEEK;
value: number; // Milliseconds relative to trim in
export interface DivaCommandSeekAbsolute extends DivaCommandBase {
command: DivaCommandName.SEEK_ABSOLUTE;
value: Date;
export type DivaCommand =
| DivaCommandMute
| DivaCommandPause
| DivaCommandPlay
| DivaCommandPlaybackRate
| DivaCommandSeek
| DivaCommandSeekAbsolute;
Object containing the external libraries' url lazy loaded only when needed by DIVA Web SDK.
The following block of code is an example of value pointing to public CDNs.
// video libraries
hlsJs: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@1.5.7',
shaka: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/shaka-player/4.8.5/shaka-player.compiled.js',
mux: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mux.js/6.2.0/mux.min.js',
// Advertisement
googleIMA: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js',
googleDAI: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3_dai.js',
// Chromecast
googleCast: 'https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js?loadCastFramework=1',
// Used for 360 videos
threeJs: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/0.148.0/three.min.js',
Disable Lazy Loading​
DIVA allows skipping the lazy loading of a third-party library by inserting the value 'false' (boolean)
instead of the string containing the library's URL.
By doing so, the player assumes that the library has already been loaded and avoids loading it again.
This can improve startup performances.
Note: It is the integrator's responsibility to ensure the preloading of the necessary libraries.
Example disabling lazy loading for shaka and mux
// video libraries
hlsJs: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hls.js@1.0.4',
shaka: false,
mux: false,
// Advertisement
googleIMA: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3.js',
googleDAI: 'https://imasdk.googleapis.com/js/sdkloader/ima3_dai.js',
// Chromecast
googleCast: 'https://www.gstatic.com/cv/js/sender/v1/cast_sender.js?loadCastFramework=1',
// Used for 360 videos
threeJs: 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/three.js/0.148.0/three.min.js',
Accessibility Options​
Typescript interfaces for Accessibility Options​
AccessibilityData and AccessibilityData
export interface AccessibilityData {
* closed captions with special style to improve legibility
darkerBackgroundCc?: boolean;
* closed captions bigger font size to improve legibility
enlargedCcs?: boolean;
* background of transparent system opaque to improve legibility
opaqueBackground?: boolean;
export interface AccessibilityOptions extends AccessibilityData {
* if true disable the possibility to change enlargedCcs and darkerBackgroundCc
ccEnhancementsDisabled?: boolean;
* if true disable the possibility to change opaqueBackground
hideTransparencyDisabled?: boolean;
* notify when there are changes on accessibility configuration
onAccessibilityUpdate?: (data: AccessibilityData) => void;