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Video lists

What are the video lists?​

For recommendations purpose, a video definition — the VideoMetadata — can come with a companion list of others videos that DIVA Player proposes together. These companion lists are the video lists.

Defining video lists​

  1. In the videoMetadata JSON file, add the videoLists array:
    "videoLists": [
  2. Add as many elements to the array as there are videolists. The following fields define a videolist (i.e., an array item):
  • feedUrl (default: empty): The URL of the XML file that defines the videolist. When empty, the video list is not valid.
  • id (default: empty): The videolist identifier within analytic events.
  • highlightColor (default:"#ffff00"): The color highlighting the selected video on tablets (dark theme theme).
  • highlightColorLight (default:"#ffff00"): The color highlighting the selected video on smartphones (dark theme theme).
  • message (default: empty): The text that displays as a header within the video list (which is not the title of the tab).
  • messageNoVideo (default: empty): The text that displays when the video list is empty (it replaces message).
  • menu (default: empty): The name of the videolist that displays in the tab bar.
  • pollingInterval (default: 0): How often to poll the videolist URL for new data (milliseconds). "0" means that polling is disabled. Values between "0" and "1000" all result into a 1-second polling interval.
  • redirectOnClick (default: "false"): (HTML5 only) Whether the browser opens the video in a new page.
  • isRecommended (default: "false"): The first element with isRecommended: "true" displays in the top of End of Play view.
  • behaviour (default: "switch"): How DIVA Player behaves when selecting a new video in the videolist. Possible behaviors are:
    • switch: The new selected video plays in place of the previous one.
    • multiview: The new selected video plays next to currently playing video.
    • pipview: The new selected video plays as a picture in picture (PiP).
    • multistreamSwitch: The new selected video plays in place of the previous one and synchronized with it.
    • multistreamMultiview: The new selected video plays next to currently playing video. The two videos play synchronized.
    • multistreamPipview: The new selected video plays as a picture in picture (PiP). The two videos play synchronized.
    • modal: (Android and iOS only) The new selected video plays in a modal window over the currently playing video.
  1. For each videoLists element, write the videolist XML definition file — whose path you put into the feedUrl field — which has the following structure:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <rss version = "2.0">

    Each item tag identifies a video within the videolist and it's defined by:

    • id: DIVA Back Office video identifier
    • title: The video title that displays on the thumbnail.
    • description: The video description that displays as a tooltip when hovering over the thumbnail.
    • link: URL of the page that hosts the video.
    • videoThumbnail url: The URL of the thumbnail image.
    • live: It's the video label's background color. It can be:
      • true: For a live video and blue label's background.
      • false: For a VOD video and red label background.
    • label: Label displayed over the thumbnail without vocabulary translation.
    • adbadge: Audio Description badge (Accessibility). It can be:
      • true: If the badge is present.
      • false: If the badge is NOT present.
    • ccbadge: Closed Caption badge (Accessibility). It can be:
      • true: If the badge is present.
      • false: If the badge is NOT present.