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Snap stats

What you learn​

You're instantiating DIVA Player in your web front-end and relying on DIVA Back Office as the video streaming source.

The goal of this article is to build the simplest front-end to stream a video from the DIVA Back Office with snapstats.

Before starting​

  • Set up the development environment.

  • Ensure the DIVA Back Office instance you rely on is up and running.

  • Ask your video engineers team the <video id> and the related <settings URL>.

  • In the menu XML definition, ensure that the snapstats element has the mode="contextual" attribute like in the following example:

    <HARList id="menu">
    <HAR id="snapstats" trackingid="snapstats" title=" {diva_snap_stats} " navigation_link="nav('snapstats');" mode="contextual"/>
    <HAR id="lineups" trackingid="lineups" title="Lineups" navigation_link="nav('lineups');"/>
    <HAR id="teamsstats" trackingid="teamsstats" title="Team stats" navigation_link="nav('teamsstats');"/>
    <HAR id="playersstats" trackingid="playersstats" title="Top players" navigation_link="nav('playersstats');"/>

    Warning: Only one menu element can have the mode="contextual" attribute. In case many items have it, only the first one displays as snapstats (i.e., over the video viewport).

  • Ensure that, in the settings file, the syncDataPanels section is available like in the following example with mandatory fields filled in:

    	"syncDataPanels": {
    "dataFolderUrl":{V.EventId}.{d.Culture}/{OverlayID}.xml", //mandatory,
    "renderingFolderUrl": "{n:ResourceURI}", //mandatory,
    "trustedOrigins": "" //...
  • Ensure that, in the settings file, the pushengine section is available like in the following example with mandatory fields filled in:

     "pushEngine": {
    "configUrl": "", //mandatory
    "dataPanelsCollectionName": "OverlayLiteData", //optional - it can overwrite the default value
    "dataPanelsScopeName": "{v.EventID}.{d.Culture}", //optional - it can to overwrite the default value

## Instantiation
There's no code to add to the [Basic instantiation code](/docs/divadoc/5.7/web/basic-instantiation-code).

## Troubleshooting tips
In case the timeline and commentary don't show data as expected, double-check that pushengine data timecodes are equal or greater than ```programDateTime``` in the videoMetadata — get it by exploring Network in the Chrome developer tools — and less than the video duration.