What's the videoMetadata
The videoMetadata
is the JSON file that describes the video to play.
videoMetadata fields​
- videoId
- type: string
- description: Unique id of the video
- example: "videoId"
- title
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Title of the video
- example: "title"
- image
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: A static thumbnail that can be used to represent the video
- example: ""
- eventId
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Identified the event associated to the video. This is used to fetch data associated to the video (overlays, data panels, etc..)
- example: "videoId"
- programDateTime
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Absolute time when the video was started (ISO 8601 date time) Used to synchronize video and additional data
- example: "2020-02-14T15:01:50Z"
- trimIn
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: client side trimming-in (milliseconds)
- example: "0"
- trimOut
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: client side trimming-out (milliseconds)
- example: "0"
- expectedDuration
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: Expected duration of the video (milliseconds)
- example: "0"
- assetState
- type: AssetState
- stereoMode
- type: StereoMode
- ad
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: VAST or VMAP url
- example: ""
- livelikeProgramId
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: ID of the Livelike program for enabling Livelike feature
- example: "aaeeff00"
- sources
- type: array of VideoSource
- default: ""
- description: List of video sources for this media
- audioTracks
- type: array of AudioTrack
- default: ""
- description: List of audio tracks for this media
- defaultAudioTrackId
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: The default id of the audio track that will be used if there is no user selection
- dvrType
- type: DvrType
- capabilities
- type: Capabilities
- customDataPanels
- type: array of CustomDataPanel
- default: ""
multicam(@deprecated)- type: Multicam
overlayThumbnailUrl(@deprecated)- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Thumbnail shown when datapanels menu is open (tablet, hmtl5)
- videoLists
- type: array of VideoList
- default: ""
- description: if empty, the video lists are not visible
- socialSharing
- type: SocialSharing
- customActions
- type: array of CustomAction
- default: ""
recommendation(@deprecated)- type: Recommendation
- behaviour
- type: Behaviour
- vttThumbnails
- baseUrl
- type: string
- example: "http:/"
- description: Base url of the vtt thumbnails file
- filename
- type: string
- example: "file.vtt"
- description: Filename of the vtt thumbnails file
- baseUrl
- skipIntervals
- type: array of SkipInterval
- default: []
- description: List of time intervals during which to display the skip button.
- uri
- type: string
- description: Uri of the media to be played (usually a DASH/HLS manifest)
- example: ""
- format
- type: string
- description: A string representing the video source fomat
- example: "hls"
- name
- type: string
- default: "same-as-format"
- description: A string representing the video source name, defaults to the same value of format
- example: "hls-for-chromecast"
- drm
- type: VideoSourceDrm
- daiType
- type: DaiType
- hdrType
- type: HdrType
- offset
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: Program date time offset for this video source (milliseconds, can be negative)
- example: "0"
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "none"
- "fairplay"
- "widevine"
- "playready"
- "aes"
- default: "none"
- description: Drm types
- type
- type: VideoSourceDrmType
- token
- type: string
- default: ""
- licenseUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- score
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: enable or disable the score functionality
- example: "true"
- alternateCommentary
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: HTML5 only - enable or disable the alternate visualisation of timeline
- example: "true"
- relevantCommentary
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: enable or disable the relevant commentary functionality
- example: "true"
- chapters
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: enable or disable the chapters functionality
- example: "true"
- commentary
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: enable or disable the commentary functionality
- example: "true"
- timeline
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- example: "true"
- title
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- example: "true"
multicam(@deprecated)- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- example: "true"
multicam360(@deprecated)- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- example: "true"
- dataPanels
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: enable or disable data panels
- example: "true"
- snapStats
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: enable or disable the snap stats functionality
- example: "true"
- vr
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- example: "true"
- cc
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: enable or disable the closed captions
- example: "true"
- userAudioSelection
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- example: "true"
- wallclock
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: if false wallclock time is hidden in live videos with limited DVR
- example: "true
- feedUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Url of the feed. The item will be ignored if this parameter is an empty string
- menu
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: The Data Panel title that will be shown in the tab bar. The item will be ignored if this parameter is an empty string
- id
- type: string
- default: ""
- pollingInterval
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: How often the feed url will be polled (milliseconds). "0" means that polling is disabled. If this value is less than 1000 (1s), then 1000 will be applied
- actionId
- type: string
- default: ""
- icon
- type: string
- default: ""
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "switch"
- "multiview"
- "pipview"
- "multistreamSwitch"
- "multistreamMultiview"
- "multistreamPipview"
- "modal"
- default: "switch"
- description: How Diva will behave when opening one of the videos of the videolist
- feedUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: the url of videoList, if empty the video list related is not valid
- menu
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: The name of the videolist shown to the user in the tab bar
- message
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: The text shown as a header within the video list (not the title of the tab)
- messageNoVideo
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: The message show when the video list is empty (it replaces `message`)
- behaviour
- type: VideoListBehaviour
- highlightColor
- type: string
- default: "#ffff00"
- description: The color used to highlight the currently selected video on tablets (dark theme theme)
- highlightColorLight
- type: string
- default: "#ffff00"
- description: The color used to highlight the currently selected video on smartphones (light theme)
- id
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: The identifier used for this video list in the analytic events
- pollingInterval
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: How often to poll the videolist url for new data (milliseconds) "0" means that polling is disabled. If this value is less than 1000 (1s), then 1000 will be applied
- redirectOnClick
- type: boolean
- default: "false"
- description: (HTML5 only) Whether the browser will open the video in a new page
- isRecommended
- type: boolean
- default: false
- description: First element with isRecommended equal true will be shown at top position in End of Play view
Multicam (@deprecated)​
- videoListUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- enable360Cameras
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- enableVRFor360Cameras
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- pitchViewEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- message
- type: string
- default: ""
- excludedSharingApps
- type: array of array
- default: ""
- excludedNativeSharingApps
- type: array of array
- default: ""
Recommendation (@deprecated)​
- feedUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: if empty, disable the feature
- autoLoadTime
- type: number
- default: "10000"
- description: milliseconds, 0 means disabled [html5 only]
- sortList
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: puts the current video as first, if present [html5 only]
- redirectOnClick
- type: boolean
- default: "false"
- description: wether clicking an item redirects to a new player page [html5 only]
- spoilerMode
- type: SpoilerMode
- seekInterval
- type: number
- default: "10000"
- description: milliseconds
- externalStreamingEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- timelineMode
- type: TimelineMode
- id
- type: string
- description: Unique identifier of the track
- selector
- type: string
- description: Result of the audio track found in the manifest, based on the selection method configured.
- label
- type: string
- description: Label of the audio track displayed in the audio tracks selection setting panel
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "none"
- "googleLive"
- "googleVod"
- default: "none"
- description: Type of DAI to use (currently only googleLive is supported)
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "hdr10"
- "none"
- default: "none"
- description: Type of HDR (currently only HDR10 is supported)
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "none"
- "full"
- "limited"
- default: "full"
- description: Type of DVR window for this video
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "notSpoiled"
- "highlights"
- "chapterNotSpoiled"
- "chapterAndDurationNotSpoiled"
- "chapterDurationAndSeekbarNotSpoilded"
- default: "notSpoiled"
- description: define if events in certain features are spoiled or not
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "enhanced"
- "alternate"
- default: "enhanced"
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "live"
- "vod"
- default: "vod"
- description: Whether the vidoe sould be displayed as VOD or LIVE
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "none"
- "monoscopic"
- "updown"
- default: "none"
- description: Type of 360 video layout
- start
- type: number
- description: Start in milliseconds from the beginning of the video
- end
- type: number
- description: End in milliseconds from the beginning of the video
- autoHide
- type: number
- description: Auto hide timeout if not interacted
- label
- type: string
- description: Key to look for inside the dictionary for one specific interval
What's the VideoMetaDataMap?​
The videoMetaDataMap
is the runtime representation of the videoMetadata
Each platform has its videoMetaDataMap
to read and overwrite the videoMetadata