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Upgrade from 5.8.x to 5.9.0

This document outlines the breaking changes introduced in the Diva Player Android 5.9.0 release. These modifications necessitate developers to update their code to ensure compatibility with the new SDK version. The changes encompass class renaming, updates to function signatures, and a significant internal overhaul of the media player component.

These updates are essential for those upgrading from version 5.8.x.

Diva Player Mobile​

Packages Integration Affected​

Package: com.deltatre.diva.diva-mobile-divaboadapter

Package: com.deltatre.diva.divaplayermobile

Locking the Player in Landscape Mode​

To lock the player in landscape mode, you can use the OrientationLocker utility. Here is how you can do it:
Call the enableLandscapeLock method: Use the OrientationLocker.enableLandscapeLock(this) method to lock the orientation to landscape. This method should be called in the appropriate lifecycle method of your activity or fragment.
Example Usage in an Activity:

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

// Lock the orientation to landscape

Example Usage in a Fragment:

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)

// Lock the orientation to landscape

By following these steps, you can ensure that the player remains in landscape mode during its usage.

Diva Player TV​

Package Integration Affected:​

Package: com.deltatre.diva.divaplayertv

1. Overview of Changes​

ViewModel InitializationDivaPlaybackViewModel initialized with ViewModelProviderViewModel is managed internally by DivaFragment
Fragment ClassPlaybackVideoFragmentDivaFragment
Fragment ConfigurationFragment created using PlaybackVideoFragment.newInstance()Fragment created using DivaFragment.newInstance()
Configuration HandlingConfiguration passed to DivaPlaybackViewModel.load()Configuration passed directly to DivaFragment

2. Breaking Changes​

2.1 Removal of DivaPlaybackViewModel​


divaPlaybackViewModel = ViewModelProvider(this)[]
divaPlaybackViewModel.init(setting!!, dictionary!!, videoMetadataProvider)


The ViewModel DivaPlaybackViewModel has been removed. Configuration and initialization are now handled directly through the DivaConfiguration object and managed internally by the DivaFragment.

  • The ViewModel is no longer accessible externally.
  • All configurations, functions, and APIs previously available through the ViewModel are now exposed and managed exclusively via the DivaFragment, which acts as the single entry point for the SDK.


  • Developers must transition from directly accessing the ViewModel to interacting with the DivaFragment for all player-related operations.
  • Lifecycle-related operations, data loading, and event handling should now be performed through DivaFragment.

2.2 Fragment Class Change​


val playbackFragment = PlaybackVideoFragment.newInstance(applicationContext, divaListener)


val fragment = DivaFragment.newInstance(conf)


  • PlaybackVideoFragment is replaced by DivaFragment.
  • The configuration is now passed directly to the fragment during initialization.
  • The fragment acts as the single interface for handling playback, events, and configuration.

2.3 Configuration with DivaConfiguration​


val conf = DivaConfiguration(
context = this,
videoId = "{VideoID}",
setting = setting,
dictionary = dictionary


val conf = DivaConfiguration(
context = this,
videoId = "{VideoID}",
videoMetadataProvider = videoMetadataProvider,
setting = setting,
dictionary = dictionary


  • Configuration is now fully handled through the DivaFragment.
  • divaPlaybackViewModel.load(conf) is no longer necessary, as the fragment internally manages the configuration.

3. Migration Steps​

  1. Remove DivaPlaybackViewModel and its associated initialization and loading logic.
  2. Replace PlaybackVideoFragment with DivaFragment and use DivaConfiguration for initialization.
  3. Pass videoMetadataProvider as part of DivaConfiguration directly to the fragment.
  4. Update any logic that depends on direct access to the ViewModel to interact with DivaFragment for playback control, events, and lifecycle management.