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Video player instantiation input

When creating a new instance of the video player, you need to feed it with two input's categories:

  • Platform-independent input: videoId, language, and settings,
    • Regardless of platform and for all instances, they globally determine the video player behavior.
    • They can change runtime without impacting the configuration.
  • Platform-dependent input: configuration and callbacks,
    • For a specific video streaming on a specific platform, they determine the video player behavior.
    • They are coded when integrating the video player SDK into the hosting application — unlike the platform-independent input, configuration and callbacks cannot change runtime.

Platform-independent input​


Within the video CMS context, the unique identifier of the video the video player instance streams.


Selected language for the video player UI.


JSON file that defines (find details in the settings article):

  • Video player behaviors
    • General settings
    • Media analytics settings
    • dictionary
  • Video playback behaviors
  • Data sources

Platform-dependent input​


Platform-specific video player instance configuration. Find detailed description in the 'Configuration' article under platform-specific sections.


Platform-specific video player instance callbacks. Find detailed description in the 'Callbacks' article under platform-specific sections.