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Media Analytics Events

DIVA Events​

Here, all the available media events tracked in DIVA's player are listed.

General Video Events​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArguments
videoOpenTriggered when a video asset is opened or initiated for playback preparation.False
videoReadyIndicates that the video is prepared and ready for playback, but hasn't started playing yet.False
videoLoadedFired when the video content and metadata have been fully loaded.False
videoDurationChangedSignals a change in the video’s duration, often due to dynamic streaming or manifest updates.False
videoSizeChangedIndicates a change in the video's resolution or dimensions during playback.False
videoEndedTriggered when the video playback has completed.False
videoClosedIndicates the video player has been closed or the playback session terminated.False
videoErrorFired when an error occurs during video playback or loading.False

Buffering Events​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArguments
bufferingStartedTriggered when playback is interrupted due to a lack of data or buffering.False
bufferingEndedFired when buffering ends, and the video resumes playback.False

Playback Events​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArguments
playbackStartedIndicates the start of video playback.False
playbackPausedTriggered when playback is paused by the user or programmatically.False
playbackRateChangedSignals a change in the playback speed (e.g., fast-forward or slow motion).False
playbackBitrateChangedIndicates a change in the video stream's bitrate, often due to adaptive streaming.False
playbackFramerateChangedFired when the video’s frame rate changes during playback.False
seekStartedTriggered when a user or system initiates seeking to a different point in the video.False
seekEndedFired when seeking completes, and playback resumes at the new position.False
videoReplayIndicates that the video is being replayed after ending.False
Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArguments
prerollStartedIndicates the start of a pre-roll advertisement before the main content.False
prerollEndedTriggered when the pre-roll ad completes.False
midrollStartedIndicates the start of a mid-roll advertisement during video playback.False
midrollEndedFired when the mid-roll ad ends.False

Server-Side Ad Insertion (SSAI) Events​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArguments
ssaiStartedIndicates the start of server-side ad insertion during playback.False
ssaiEndedTriggered when server-side ad insertion ends.False
ssaiBreakStartSignals the beginning of an ad break in server-side ad insertion.False
ssaiBreakEndIndicates the end of an ad break in server-side ad insertion.False
ssaiCompleteFired when an SSAI ad finishes playback.False
ssaiFirstQuartileIndicates that 25% of an SSAI ad has been played.False
ssaiMidpointSignals that 50% of an SSAI ad has been played.False
ssaiThirdQuartileIndicates that 75% of an SSAI ad has been played.False
ssaiImpressionFired when an SSAI ad impression is logged (ad begins displaying).False
ssaiStartIndicates the initial start of an SSAI ad.False

Other Events​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArguments
waitingUserInteractionTriggered when the system pauses playback or waits for user interaction to continue.False
airplayStatusChangedIndicates a change in the status of AirPlay, such as connecting or disconnecting.False
currentTimeUpdatedFired to signal an update in the current playback position, often during scrubbing or periodic updates.False