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10-foot appsA term typically used for apps that are more than two feet from the user, e.g., TV, Xbox, or PlayStation.
AkamaiA Content Delivery Network (CDN), predominantly used as a security layer and caching system.
Alternate audio tracksA feature that enables users to select alternate audio tracks, supporting multiple languages and ambient background sounds.
Alternate streamsA playback mode enabling users to view different streams of the same event (e.g., different cameras) without losing playback position.
AlertsDisplayed at the top of a screen, providing information about other events or e-commerce. Tap an alert to view another stream or purchase merchandise.
AppA client application, such as DIVA's video player Reference App on iOS that consumes data via APIs.
Application Programming Interface (API)Defines multiple interactions between software applications.
Automatic highlightsEasily revisit event content with notifications, which if selected, activate Highlight's mode, where key event moments can be rewatched.
AWS (Amazon Web Services)Subsidiary of that provides on-demand cloud computing platforms to individuals, companies and governments, on a paid subscription basis
Back Office (BO)The back office (BO) is the data access layer that operators and administrators use to configure settings, manage ingested content, and schedule streams.
Call to action (CTA)A part of a page or piece of content that encourages the user to do something, e.g., select a button.
ChaptersThe breaking up of lengthy video streams into shorter, digestible sections.
ChunksThe segment components of a Stream such as Video, Audio, Text, ... Durig Live chunks will be played sequentially and they will be added live to the manifest ( ?).
CMSContent Management System (CMS) is software used to manage the creation and modification of digital content.
CommentaryA data stream container displayed on the left of the player containing events with specific icons.
Configuration file (DIVA 5)Specifically for DIVA 5, the Configuration file includes the Dictionary and the Video metadata files, which contain information about videos.
Custom data panelCustom content, e.g., statistics or league tables, displays within a tab on a responsive page.
DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP)Stream format used on the web and Android
Dictionary (DIVA 5)Specifically for DIVA 5, the Dictionary file forms part of the Configuration file, allowing DIVA to localize the video player experience.
DIVA subscriberThe component in the FORGE ecosystem that reacts to webhook notifications from DIVA's back office and creates video files in FORGE.
Digital Rights Management (DRM)A systematic approach to copyright protection for digital media, preventing unauthorized redistribution of digital media.
Digital Video Recorder (DVR)A device that records video in a digital format.
Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI)Also known as Server-side Ad Insertion (SSAI), DAI enables advertisements to be directly served into live, linear programming.
EntitlementAn asset that a user has permission to play under the terms of a subscription or transactional offer.
EncoderThe encoding process is how DIVA's back office obtains video assets. Encoders push video assets to Azure Media Services (AMS).
EventEvents display in the commentary overlay and allow users to navigate to the corresponding point of the event.
Front end (FE)The Reference Apps presentation layer the end user interacts with to consume content and interact with features.
ForgeA CMS that communicates with DIVA's back office, synchronizing sports data with video streams.
HLS (Apple HTTP Live Streaming)HTTP-based live media streaming communications protocol, implemented by Apple Inc.
IngestionThe process of importing and validating metadata and files into DIVA's back office.
Live back-off valueA specified delay in live video playback to provide smoother playback with fewer buffering issues.
Live Digital Video Recorder (DVR)A form of live video where past moments are recorded as content progresses, allowing users to move between live and previous moments.
Live linear streamingA form of video content where users can only watch the video in the live moment without recordings of previous moments.
Live replayThe ability to consume video-on-demand content without knowing the result prematurely (not spoiled).
Mobile playerA video player for Android and iOS, providing the same experience as the desktop player with some technical limitations on certain devices.
Multi-angle clipsA playback mode for video-on-demand (VOD) clips that are linked to a timeline event marker, allowing users to view an event from different angles.
Side-by-side viewA playback mode that allows users to consume multiple streams simultaneously on a single screen, dependent on the platform.
OperatorA scheduler within the DIVA back office.
OVP (Online Video Platform)An online video platform (OVP) enables users to upload, convert, store, and play back video content on the Internet, often via a private server structured, large-scale system that may generate revenue.
Picture-in-Picture (PiP)Displays one stream in full-screen with another stream in an inset floating window.
RecommendationsOften called content recommendations, enabling related video content to display for users during or after a stream.
ScrubberAlso known as the Seekbar, it shows the current play position of playback and allows users to change it by dragging.
Settings fileAn XML file containing DIVA's configuration, including the Video metadata and Vocabulary files.
SSO (Single Sign-On)property of access control of multiple related, yet independent, software systems
Synchronized data panelSometimes called Snapshots, displays additional information and statistics alongside video content.
Server-side Ad Insertion (SSAI)Also known as Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI), SSAI enables advertisements to be directly served into live, linear programming.
TimelineAlso known as the Interactive Timeline, a key feature for content discoverability, allowing users to access the best moments of the event.
User groupA collection of users with the same status in the system, typically related to entitlement or subscription levels.
Video assetDigital video content that is stored, managed, or utilized as a single entity within a system or platform.
Video metadata fileContains video metadata such as the video URL, title, advertisements, synchronization data, etc.
Video listsThe grouping of content passed to the front end for rendering based on use cases or journeys (e.g., live matches, camera angles).
Video Origin deliveryA service that packages videos as Adaptive Bitrate Streaming (ABR) content using AWS and Harmonic.
Vocabulary fileContains XML data specifying localization strings for DIVA's interface.
VOD (Video on Demand)more commonly known as “streaming media,” delivers audio and video content to consumers on a per-program basis.