What you learn​
You are instantiating DIVA Player in your Roku application and relying on DIVA Back Office as the video streaming source.
The goal of this article is to build the Roku application to stream a video from the DIVA Back Office with highlights.
Before starting​
- Ensure
Diva Player lib
andDIVA Back Office Adapter lib
are downloaded (Setup > Step 14) you rely on as the video streaming source is up and running. - Ensure that, in the settings file, the
section is available like in the following example with mandatory fields filled in:
"highlights": {
"shortFilter": [
{friendlyName: 'FirstPeriodStart', event: 'period'},
"Goal" //case-insensitive
"mediumFilter": [
"longFilter": [
"defaultEventDuration" : 10000, // 10 seconds in millis (it overrides 15 seconds default)
"customEventDuration ": {
"GOAL": 30000, // 30 seconds in millis
"SUBSTITUTION": 15000 // 15 seconds in millis
Is possible to have all the events in the collection using the asterisk (*
), like the example above on longFilter
If no one filter is set, the Highlights Mode will be disabled.
If customEventDuration > <event code>
is not set, the default value is defaultEventDuration
If defaultEventDuration
is not set, the default value is 15 seconds (15000 ms).
- Ensure that, in the settings file, the
section is available like in the following example with mandatory fields filled in:
"pushEngine": {
"configUrl": "https://example.com/fe/config/pushengine/pushengineConfig.json", //mandatory
"playByPlayCollectionName": "PlayByPlay", //optional - it can overwrite the default value
"playByPlayScopeName": "{v.EventID}.{d.Culture}", //optional - it can to overwrite the default value
- Ensure that, in the playByPlay file we have the information about "cropping" the highlights:
"TimeCode": "2024-07-24T01:23:26Z",
"SeekOffset": "-00:00:10",
Highlights duration​
When an event occurs, it arrives with a TimeCode
and a setting that defines how many seconds to add before the event (SeekOffset
The highlight duration can be customized for all the events by adding defaultEventDuration
value (in ms) or, for specific events, customEventDuration > <event code>
(case insensitive).
Otherwise, the highlights play for 15 seconds by default.
The highlight video will start at TimeCode
- SeekOffset
for a duration of SeekOffset
+ calculated duration (customEventDuration > <event code>
or defaultEventDuration
or 15 sec)
Ensure the dictionary file contains the relevant keys.
Analytics events​
Find here the available analytics events for the Highlights.
There's no code to add to the Basic instantiation code.