Basic instantiation code
Basic instantiation code per platform​
- React App
- No React
- No package manager
// DIVA Player SDK
import { DivaWebComponent } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-sdk";
import type { DivaConfiguration, VideoMetadata, VideoMetadataClean } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-sdk";
// Import SDK style
import "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-sdk/index.min.css";
const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: '',
googleDAI: '',
googleCast: '',
threeJs: '',
const config: DivaConfiguration = {
videoId: "<video id>",
libs: libs,
setting: {
general: {
culture: 'en-GB',
dictionary: {
messages: {},
videoMetadataProvider: async (
videoId: string,
currentVideoMetadata?: VideoMetadataClean,
playbackState?: {
chromecast?: boolean | undefined;
}): Promise<VideoMetadata> => {
return {
"title": "Video Title",
"sources": [
"uri": "",
"format": "DASH"
"videoId": "<video id>",
export const App = () => {
return <DivaWebComponent config={config} />;
// DIVA Player SDK
import { DivaWeb } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-sdk";
import type { DivaConfiguration, VideoMetadata, VideoMetadataClean } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-sdk";
// Import SDK style
import "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-sdk/index.min.css";
const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: '',
googleDAI: '',
googleCast: '',
threeJs: '',
const config: DivaConfiguration = {
videoId: "<video id>",
libs: libs,
setting: {
general: {
culture: 'en-GB',
dictionary: {
messages: {},
videoMetadataProvider: async (
videoId: string,
currentVideoMetadata?: VideoMetadataClean,
playbackState?: {
chromecast?: boolean | undefined;
}): Promise<VideoMetadata> => {
return {
"title": "Video Title",
"sources": [
"uri": "",
"format": "DASH"
"videoId": "<video id>",
const el = document.getElementById("video-player-container");
(async () => {
try {
const divaPlayer = new DivaWeb(el, config);
// To be run when it is required to cleanup Diva after its usage
const onUnmount = () => {
} catch (e) {
// Here it is possible to react to DIVA Player exceptions
<!-- DIVA Player SDK -->
<script src="path/to/diva/webPlayer.reactBundled.js"></script>
<!-- Import SDK style -->
<link rel="path/to/diva.bundle.min.css" />
<!-- ... -->
<div id="diva-container"></div>
<!-- ... -->
const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: '',
googleDAI: '',
googleCast: '',
threeJs: '',
const config = {
videoId: "<video id>",
libs: libs,
setting: {
general: {
culture: 'en-GB',
dictionary: {
messages: {},
videoMetadataProvider: async (
playbackState) => {
return {
"title": "Video Title",
"sources": [
"uri": "",
"format": "DASH"
"videoId": "<video id>",
const el = document.getElementById("video-player-container");
(async () => {
try {
const divaPlayer = await new divaWebSdk.DivaWeb(el, config);
// To be run when it is required to cleanup Diva after its usage
const onUnmount = () => {
} catch (e) {
// Here it is possible to react to DIVA Player exceptions
Web Chromeless​
- React App
- No React
- No package manager
// DIVA Player SDK
import { DivaWebChromelessComponent } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-chromeless-sdk";
import type { DivaWebChromelessConfiguration, VideoMetadata, VideoMetadataClean } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-chromeless-sdk";
const isWebTV = false;
const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: '',
googleDAI: '',
googleCast: '',
threeJs: '',
const config: DivaConfiguration = {
videoId: "<video id>",
libs: libs,
setting: {
general: {
culture: 'en-GB',
dictionary: {
messages: {},
videoMetadataProvider: async (
videoId: string,
currentVideoMetadata?: VideoMetadataClean,
playbackState?: {
chromecast?: boolean | undefined;
}): Promise<VideoMetadata> => {
return {
"title": "Video Title",
"sources": [
"uri": "",
"format": "DASH"
"videoId": "<video id>",
const props = {
config: config,
adCover: true,
videoCover: true,
export const App = () => {
return <DivaWebChromelessComponent { ...props } />;
// DIVA Player SDK
import { createDivaWebChromeless } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-chromeless-sdk";
const isWebTV = false;
const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: '',
googleDAI: '',
googleCast: '',
threeJs: '',
const config: DivaConfiguration = {
videoId: "<video id>",
libs: libs,
setting: {
general: {
culture: 'en-GB',
dictionary: {
messages: {},
videoMetadataProvider: async (
videoId: string,
currentVideoMetadata?: VideoMetadataClean,
playbackState?: {
chromecast?: boolean | undefined;
}): Promise<VideoMetadata> => {
return {
"title": "Video Title",
"sources": [
"uri": "",
"format": "DASH"
"videoId": "<video id>",
const el = document.getElementById("video-player-container");
const props = {
el: el,
config: config,
(async () => {
try {
const diva = await createDivaWebChromeless(props);
diva.setStyle({ adCover: true, videoCover: true });
// To be run when it is required to cleanup Diva after its usage
const onUnmount = () => {
} catch (e) {
// Here it is possible to react to DIVA Player exceptions
<!-- ... -->
<script src="path/to/diva/chromeless.reactBundled.js"></script>
<!-- ... -->
<div id="diva-container"></div>
<!-- ... -->
const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: '',
googleDAI: '',
googleCast: '',
threeJs: '',
const config = {
videoId: "<video id>",
libs: libs,
setting: {
general: {
culture: 'en-GB',
dictionary: {
messages: {},
videoMetadataProvider: async (
playbackState) => {
return {
"title": "Video Title",
"sources": [
"uri": "",
"format": "DASH"
"videoId": "<video id>",
const el = document.getElementById("video-player-container");
const props = {
el: el,
config: config
(async () => {
try {
const diva = await divaWebChromelessSdk.createDivaWebChromeless(props);
diva.setStyle({ adCover: true, videoCover: true });
// To be run when it is required to cleanup Diva after its usage
const onUnmount = () => {
} catch (e) {
// Here it is possible to react to DIVA Player exceptions
- React App
- No React
- No package manager
// DIVA Standalone SDK
import { DivaWebTV } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-sdk";
import type {
} from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-sdk";
// Import SDK style
import "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-sdk/index.min.css";
const init: DivaWebTVInitType = {
setting: {
general: {
culture: "en-GB",
videoId: "<video id>"
const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: '',
googleDAI: '',
const props: DivaWebTVProps = {
dictionary: {
messages: {},
videoMetadataProvider: async (
videoId: string,
currentVideoMetadata?: VideoMetadataClean,
playbackState?: {
chromecast?: boolean | undefined;
}): Promise<VideoMetadata> => {
return {
"title": "Video Title",
"sources": [
"uri": "",
"format": "DASH"
"videoId": "<video id>",
export const App = () => {
return <DivaWebTV {...props} />;
// DIVA Player SDK
import { createDivaWebTV } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-sdk";
import type {
} from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-sdk";
// Import SDK style
import "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-webtv-sdk/index.min.css";
const init: DivaWebTVInitType = {
setting: {
general: {
culture: "en-GB",
videoId: "<video id>"
const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: '',
googleDAI: '',
const props: DivaWebTVProps = {
dictionary: {
messages: {},
videoMetadataProvider: async (
videoId: string,
currentVideoMetadata?: VideoMetadataClean,
playbackState?: {
chromecast?: boolean | undefined;
}): Promise<VideoMetadata> => {
return {
"title": "Video Title",
"sources": [
"uri": "",
"format": "DASH"
"videoId": "<video id>",
(async () => {
try {
const diva = await createDivaWebTV(props);
// To be run when it is required to cleanup Diva after its usage
const onUnmount = () => {
} catch (e) {
// Here it is possible to react to DIVA Player exceptions
<!-- ... -->
<script src="path/to/diva/webTVSdk.reactBundled.js"></script>
<link rel="path/to/diva/webTVSdk.reactBundled.css" />
<!-- ... -->
<div id="diva-container"></div>
<!-- ... -->
const init = {
setting: {
general: {
culture: "en-GB",
videoId: "<video id>"
const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: '',
googleDAI: '',
const props = {
dictionary: {
messages: {},
videoMetadataProvider: async (
playbackState): Promise<VideoMetadata> => {
return {
"title": "Video Title",
"sources": [
"uri": "",
"format": "DASH"
"videoId": "<video id>",
const el = document.getElementById("video-player-container");
(async () => {
try {
const diva = await divaWebtv.createDivaWebTV(props);
// To be run when it is required to cleanup Diva after its usage
const onUnmount = () => {
} catch (e) {
// Here it is possible to react to DIVA Player exceptions
Further available configurations​
Learn the full configuration of the DIVA player in the Diva Configuration section.