DIVA WebTV Accessibility
Object containing the configuration for the accessibility features of the DIVA WebTV SDK.
Typescript interfaces for Accessibility Options​
AccessibilityData and AccessibilityData
export interface AccessibilityData {
* closed captions with special style to improve legibility
darkerBackgroundCc?: boolean;
* closed captions bigger font size to improve legibility
enlargedCcs?: boolean;
* background of transparent system opaque to improve legibility
opaqueBackground?: boolean;
export interface AccessibilityOptions extends AccessibilityData {
* if true disable the possibility to change enlargedCcs and darkerBackgroundCc
ccEnhancementsDisabled?: boolean;
* if true disable the possibility to change opaqueBackground
hideTransparencyDisabled?: boolean;
* notify when there are changes on accessibility configuration
onAccessibilityUpdate?: (data: AccessibilityData) => void;