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DIVA WebTV Accessibility

Object containing the configuration for the accessibility features of the DIVA WebTV SDK.

darkerBackgroundCcbooleanfalseclosed captions with special style to improve legibility
enlargedCcsbooleanfalseclosed captions bigger font size to improve legibility
opaqueBackgroundbooleanfalsebackground of transparent system opaque to improve legibility
ccEnhancementsDisabledbooleanfalseif true disable the possibility to change enlargedCcs and darkerBackgroundCc
hideTransparencyDisabledbooleanfalseif true disable the possibility to change opaqueBackground
onAccessibilityUpdate(data: {darkerBackgroundCc:boolean, enlargedCcs:boolean, opaqueBackground:boolean} ) => voidundefinednotify when there are changes on accessibility configuration

Typescript interfaces for Accessibility Options​

AccessibilityData and AccessibilityData

export interface AccessibilityData {
* closed captions with special style to improve legibility
darkerBackgroundCc?: boolean;
* closed captions bigger font size to improve legibility
enlargedCcs?: boolean;
* background of transparent system opaque to improve legibility
opaqueBackground?: boolean;

export interface AccessibilityOptions extends AccessibilityData {
* if true disable the possibility to change enlargedCcs and darkerBackgroundCc
ccEnhancementsDisabled?: boolean;
* if true disable the possibility to change opaqueBackground
hideTransparencyDisabled?: boolean;
* notify when there are changes on accessibility configuration
onAccessibilityUpdate?: (data: AccessibilityData) => void;