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Analytics Events

DIVA Events​

Here, all the available events tracked in DIVA's player are listed. If the platform is not mentioned, the event is available across all supported platforms.

360 player​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
video360_closeEvery time the 360 overlay disappearsFalseAndroid logo iOS logo
video360_close_clickEvery time a user selects the close buttonTrueAndroid logo iOS logo
video360_list_clickEvery time a user selects a video from a listTrueselected_video_idAndroid logo iOS logo
video360_list_closeEvery time the 360 list overlay disappearsFalseAndroid logo iOS logo
video360_list_openEvery time the 360 list overlay appearsFalseAndroid logo iOS logo
video360_openEvery time the 360 overlay appearsFalseAndroid logo iOS logo
video360_vr_button_clickEvery time a user selects the VR/cardboard buttonTrueAndroid logo iOS logo
video360_vr_button_close_clickEvery time a user selects the close VR/cardboard buttonTrueAndroid logo iOS logo
video360_vr_disableEvery time a user exits VR mode from the 360 moduleFalseAndroid logo iOS logo
video360_vr_enableEvery time a user enters VR mode from the 360 moduleFalseAndroid logo iOS logo


Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
ad_manual_stopWhen the AD is stopped by a user via the back buttonFalsead_typeAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
ad_pause_clickWhen a user selects the controls to pause an ADTruead_typeAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
ad_play_clickWhen a user selects the controls to play a paused ADTruead_typeAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
ad_single_clickWhen a user selects an ADTruead_typeAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
ad_single_failEvery time an AD fails playbackFalsead_type, error_code, error_description
ad_single_muteWhen an AD is mutedFalsead_typeResponsive Web logo
ad_single_pauseEvery time an AD is pausedFalsead_typeAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
ad_single_resumeWhen an AD resumes playbackFalsead_typeAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
ad_single_skipEvery time an AD is skipped by a userFalsead_typeAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
ad_single_startEvery time an AD startsFalsead_type
ad_single_stopWhen an AD stopsFalsead_type
ad_startWhen a train of ADs startFalsead_type
ad_stopWhen a train of ADs stopFalsead_type



These events are NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
alert_clickEvery time a user selects an alert to open a videoTrueselected_video_id, alert_type
alert_closeEvery time an alert is closed (automatically or by user)Falseselected_video_id, alert_type
alert_close_clickEvery time a user selects the close buttonTrueselected_video_id, alert_type
alert_openEvery time an alert is displayedFalseselected_video_id, alert_type
alternate_timeline_arrow_navigationEvery time a user selects arrows to navigate through the Alternate TimelineTrue
alternate_timeline_closeEvery time the Alternate Timeline is closed (automatically or by user)Falsesection_time_spent
alternate_timeline_item_clickEvery time a user selects an Alternate Timeline itemTrueplaybyplay_type
alternate_timeline_openEvery time the Alternate Timeline is displayedFalse
alternate_timeline_swipe_navigationEvery time a user swipes to navigate through the Alternate TimelineTrue
alternate_timeline_tooltip_clickEvery time a user selects a tooltip in order to seekTrueplaybyplay_type, playbyplay_timeResponsive Web logo
alternate_timeline_tooltip_openEvery time a user hovers over a play by play icon (event marker) and the tooltip appearsFalseplaybyplay_type, playbyplay_timeResponsive Web logo
alternate_timeline_tooltip_see_all_clickEvery time a user selects a tooltip 'See all highlights' link to open the Alternate Timeline at that specific timeTrueplaybyplay_type, playbyplay_timeResponsive Web logo
back_notification_clickEvery time a user selects a back notification alert to jump back to the original videoTrueselected_video_idResponsive Web logo
back_notification_closeEvery time a back notification alert is closed (automatically or by user)Falseselected_video_idResponsive Web logo
back_notification_close_clickEvery time a user selects the close buttonTrueselected_video_idResponsive Web logo
back_notification_openEvery time a back notification alert is displayedFalseselected_video_idResponsive Web logo

Alternate Timeline​


These events are NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
alternate_timeline_arrow_navigationEvery time a user selects arrows to navigate through the Alternate TimelineTrue
alternate_timeline_closeEvery time the Alternate Timeline is closed (automatically or by user)Falsesection_time_spent
alternate_timeline_item_clickEvery time a user selects an Alternate Timeline itemTrueplaybyplay_type
alternate_timeline_openEvery time the Alternate Timeline is displayedFalse
alternate_timeline_swipe_navigationEvery time a user swipes to navigate through the Alternate TimelineTrue
alternate_timeline_tooltip_clickEvery time a user selects a tooltip in order to seekTrueplaybyplay_type, playbyplay_timeResponsive Web logo
alternate_timeline_tooltip_openEvery time a user hovers over a play by play icon (event marker) and the tooltip appearsFalseplaybyplay_type, playbyplay_timeResponsive Web logo
alternate_timeline_tooltip_see_all_clickEvery time a user selects a tooltip 'See all highlights' link to open the Alternate Timeline at that specific timeTrueplaybyplay_type, playbyplay_timeResponsive Web logo

Enhanced Timeline​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
enhanced_timeline_arrow_navigationEvery time a user navigates through the Event List (which is done by using left/right directional keys on remote control while Event List is in focus)TrueWebTV logo
enhanced_timeline_item_clickEvery time a user selects close on one of the Enhanced Timeline event markersTrueAndroid logo, iOS logo
enhanced_timeline_list_closeEvery time the event list of the Enhanced Timeline is closedFalseAndroid logo, iOS logo
enhanced_timeline_list_close_clickEvery time a user closes the event list of the Enhanced TimelineTrueAndroid logo, iOS logo
enhanced_timeline_list_item_clickEvery time a user selects close on one of the event list itemsTrueAndroid logo, iOS logo
enhanced_timeline_list_openEvery time the event list of the Enhanced Timeline is openedFalseAndroid logo, iOS logo


Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
audiotrack_button_clickSmall screens: Every time the user actions the "Audio" menu item inside the consolidated CC/AD menu, intended to expand/open the "Audio" sub-menu. TV platforms: Every time a user interacts with the Audio tracks button.TrueAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo, AndroidTV logo, Roku logo, TvOS logo, WebTV logo
audiotrack_list_closeEvery time the "Audio" submenu is closed/collapsedFalse
audiotrack_list_openEvery time the "Audio" submenu is opened/expandedFalse
audiotrack_selectionEvery time a user applies a new audio track from the "Audio" submenuTrueaudio_value, audio_display_nameAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
ccat_menu_button_clickEvery time the user actions the "Audio and Subtitles" on-screen button, while the "Audio and Subtitles" main menu or any of its submenus are not yet opened/visibleTrueAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
ccat_menu_closeEvery time the "Audio and Subtitles" main menu closes, no matter if it was a result of user action or notFalseAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
ccat_menu_openEvery time the "Audio and Subtitles" main menu is opened, as a result of user actioning the "Audio and Subtitles" on-screen button, or otherwiseFalseAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
closed_caption_button_clickSmall screens: Every time the user actions the "Subtitles" menu item inside the consolidated CC/AD menu, intended to expand/open the "Audio" sub-menu TV platforms: Every time a user interacts with the Close Captions button.TrueAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo, AndroidTV logo, Roku logo, TvOS logo, WebTV logo
closed_caption_list_closeEvery time the "Subtitles" submenu is closed/collapseFalse
closed_caption_list_openEvery time the "Subtitles" submenu is opened/expandedFalse
closed_caption_selectionEvery time a user applies a new subtitles/CC track from the "Subtitles" submenuTrueclosed_caption_value, closed_caption_display_nameAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
custom_button_clickEvery time a user selects a custom button defined in a custom templateTrueactive, actionAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
multiview_button_clickEvery time a user selects the multiview buttonTrueAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
pip_button_clickEvery time a user selects the native PiP buttonTrueAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
quality_button_clickEvery time the user actions the "Quality" menu item inside the consolidated Settings menu, intended to expand/open the "Quality" sub-menu.TrueResponsive Web logo
quality_list_closeEvery time the "Quality" submenu is closed/collapsedFalseResponsive Web logo
quality_list_openEvery time the "Quality" submenu is opened/expandedFalseResponsive Web logo
quality_selectionEvery time a user applies a new quality level from the "Quality" submenuTruequality_value, quality_display_nameResponsive Web logo
relevant_commentary_button_clickEvery time a user selects the Relevant Commentary toggle buttonTrueactiveAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
settings_menu_button_clickEvery time the user actions the "Settings" on-screen button, while the "Quality" main menu or any of its submenus are not yet opened/visibleTrueResponsive Web logo
settings_menu_closeEvery time the "Settings" main menu closes, no matter if it was a result of user action or notFalseResponsive Web logo
settings_menu_openEvery time the "Settings" main menu is opened, as a result of user actioning the "Settings" on-screen button, or otherwiseFalseResponsive Web logo

Chain play / Up Next​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
chainplay_activeEvent triggered whenever the chainplay is activated (if upNext exists)False
chainplay_next_clickEvent triggered when user clicks on the chainplay tileTrue
chainplay_autostartEvent triggered when the next video starts without any user interactionsFalse
autoplay_disabledEvent triggered when the autoplay is going to be disabledFalse



These events are NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
commentary_clickEvery time a user selects playbyplay (event marker)Trueplaybyplay_type, playbyplay_time, overlay_id
commentary_closeEvery time Commentary disappearsFalseoverlay_id, section_time_spent
commentary_openEvery time the Commentary displaysFalseoverlay_id, commentary_notification_items

Control bar​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
controlbar_alternate_timelineEvery time a user selects the Alternate Commentary buttonTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_chapter_list_clickEvery time a user selects the Chapter List buttonTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_chapter_list_closeEvery time the chapter list closesFalsecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_chapter_list_item_clickEvery time a user selects a chapter within the chapter listTruecontrolbar_type, chapter_title, chapter_starttime, chapter_endtimeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_chapter_list_openEvery time the chapter list opensFalsecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_closeEvery time the control bar disappearsFalsecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo
controlbar_commentaryEvery time a user selects the Commentary buttonTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_collapse_clickEvery time a user selects the Collapse button in multiview visualization modeTruecontrolbar_typeDismissed from v5.8
controlbar_fullscreenEvery time a user selects the full-screen buttonTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_go_liveEvery time a user selects the Go Live buttonTruecontrolbar_type
controlbar_muteEvery time a user selects the mute buttonTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_openEvery time the control bar appearsFalsecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo
controlbar_pauseEvery time a user selects the pause buttonTruecontrolbar_type
controlbar_playEvery time a user selects the play buttonTruecontrolbar_type
controlbar_seek_backEvery time a user selects the seek back buttonTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_seek_clickEvery time a user seeks by selecting the timelineTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo, LG Magic remote
controlbar_seek_forwardEvery time a user selects the seek forward buttonTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_unmuteEvery time a user selects the unmute buttonTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo
controlbar_volume_changeEvery time a user changes the volumeTruecontrolbar_typeAndroid logo, iOS logo, Responsive Web logo



These events are NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
chromecast_backgroundEvery time the app goes into the backgroundFalseAndroid logo, iOS logo
chromecast_clickEvery time a user selects the Chromecast iconTrueAndroid logo, iOS logo
chromecast_closeEvery time a user exits Chromecast modeFalseAndroid logo, iOS logo
chromecast_foregroundEvery time the app goes in the foregroundFalseAndroid logo, iOS logo
chromecast_openEvery time a user enters Chromecast modeFalseAndroid logo, iOS logo
ecommerce_notification_clickEvery time a user selects an E-commerce notification action buttonTrueextIdResponsive Web logo
ecommerce_notification_closeEvery time a an E-commerce notification alert is closed (automatically, by a user or by selecting the action button)FalseResponsive Web logo
ecommerce_notification_openEvery time an E-commerce notification alert is displayedFalseResponsive Web logo



These events are NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
ecommerce_icon_clickEvery time a user selects an E-commerce shop iconTrueResponsive Web logo
ecommerce_notification_clickEvery time a user selects an E-commerce notification action buttonTrueextIdResponsive Web logo
ecommerce_notification_closeEvery time an E-commerce notification alert is closed (automatically, by a user or by selecting the action button)FalseResponsive Web logo
ecommerce_notification_close_clickEvery time a user selects an E-commerce notification alert close buttonTrueResponsive Web logo
ecommerce_notification_openEvery time an E-commerce notification alert is displayedFalseResponsive Web logo
entitlement_errorEvery time an ENTITLEMENT error is raised by the video component. This is considered a special sub-type of video_error.Falseerror_code, error_descriptionResponsive Web logo, WebTV logo
highlights_modeEvery time a user enters Highlights modeFalse
ssai_errorError generated in case of failure of the DAI manifest requestFalseerror_code, error_description
videometadata_errorEvery time an error on VideoMetaData is raisedFalse

End Of Play​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArguments
endofplay_auto_videoplayEvent trigger whenever Diva automatically loads the next video from the EoP view. This applies to items in recommended video list or highlights list. It will be naturally followed up by the EoP close event.Falsevideolist_type, overlay_id, videolist_item_video_id
endofplay_closeEvent triggered whenever the EoP screen closes down (no longer showing on-screen), regardless of reason (e.g. new video initiated, replay used, user is in highlights mode, EoP screen manually closed by user, Diva app exited, etc...). It will be naturally followed up by the EoP close event.False
endofplay_highlights_item_clickEvery time a user actions a a HL card in HL listTruevideolist_item_video_id
endofplay_highlights_modeTriggered when Diva enters the Highlights mode, regardless if triggered by user (actioning a HL card in HL list), or automatically as part of EoP screen. It will be always followed up by the EoP close event. This is a clone of the "highlights_mode" event, with just a different name to differentiate the place of origin.Truehighlights_type
endofplay_manual_replayEvent triggered when the "Replay" button, from within the EoP screen, is manually actioned by the end user. It will be naturally followed up by the EoP close event.True
endofplay_menu_item_click...TrueAndroid only
endofplay_openEvent triggered whenever the current time reaches the max duration (and so the video_end event has been tracked) and so the users get to the end of the playing video and the EoP view is presented.False
endofplay_recommendation_other_clickTriggered when user selects (actions) a video from the recommendations video list. It will be always followed up by the EoP close event. This is a clone of the "recommendation_other_click" event, with just a different name to differentiate the place of origin.Truevideolist_type, overlay_id, videolist_item_video_id
endofplay_replay_clickEvent triggered when the "Replay" button, from within the EoP screen, is manually actioned by the end user. It will be naturally followed up by the EoP close event.True
endofplay_videolist_item_clickEvery time a user actions a video list item/card, and therefore switching to the new video stream. It will be always followed up by the EoP close event. When a video in a video list is automatically played, then the "endofplay_auto_videoplay" event is applied instead. This is a clone of the "videolist_item_click" event, with just a different name to differentiate the place of origin. It will be naturally followed up by the EoP close event.Truevideolist_type, overlay_id, videolist_item_video_id
endofplay_videolist_item_focusEvery time navigational focus is moved from one video list item to another, by user. Default focus when video list opens is not accounted here. This is a clone of the "videolist_item_focus" event, with just a different name to differentiate the place of origin.Truevideolist_type, overlay_id, videolist_item_video_id


Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
entitlement_errorEvery time an ENTITLEMENT error is raised by the video component. This is considered a special sub-type of video_error.Falseerror_code, error_descriptionResponsive Web logo, WebTV logo
ssai_errorError generated in case of failure of the DAI manifest requestFalseerror_code, error_description
videometadata_errorEvery time an error on VideoMetaData is raisedFalse


Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
fpsEvery time the video framerate changes.FalseframerateResponsive Web logo WebTV logo


Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
highlights_close_on_pipEvery time a user selects the Live PiP to close the Highlights mode and return to the live videoTrue
highlights_fullmatch_clickEvery time a user selects the Full Match buttonTrue
highlights_modeEvery time a user enters Highlights modeFalsehighlights_type
highlights_next_clickEvery time a user selects the next buttonTrue
highlights_notification_clickEvery time a user selects a Highlights notification alert to enter in Highlights modeTrue
highlights_notification_closeEvery time a Highlights notification alert is closed (automatically or by a user)False
highlights_notification_openEvery time a Highlights notification alert is displayedFalse



This event is NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
influencer_chat_icon_clickEvery time the icon of Influencer chat is selectedTrue

These events are NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
menu_clickEvery time a user selects the menu buttonTrue
menu_closeEvery time the menu disappearsFalse
menu_close_clickEvery time a user selects on close menu buttonTrue
menu_item_clickEvery time a user selects the menu item buttonTrueoverlay_id
menu_openEvery time the menu appearsFalse

Multiview Responsive Web logo Android logo​

multiview_button_clickEvery time a user selects the multiview buttonTrueAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
multiview_videolist_openEvery time the multiview videolist is openedFalsevideolist_type, overlay_idAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
multiview_videolist_closeEvery time the multiview videolist is closedFalsevideolist_type, overlay_idAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
multiview_videolist_close_clickEvery time the user clicks on multiview videolist close buttonTruevideolist_type, overlay_idAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
videolist_item_add_multiviewEvery time a user selects a videolist item to add to multiviewTruevideolist_type, overlay_id, videolist_item_video_idAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
videolist_item_remove_multiviewEvery time a user selects a videolist item to remove from multiviewTruevideolist_type, overlay_id, videolist_item_video_idAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
multiview_exit_clickEvery time a user clicks on the exit button in multiview modeTrueAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
multiview_exit_confirm_clickEvery time a user clicks on confirm exit multiview buttonTrueAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
multiview_exit_cancel_clickEvery time a user clicks on cancel exit multiview buttonTrueAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
multiview_goalalert_openEvery time a user selects an alert notification and enters Side-by-Side viewFalsealert_typeResponsive Web logo
multiview_goalalert_closeEvery time a user exits Side-by-Side view (goal alert)Falsealert_type, section_time_spentResponsive Web logo
multiview_openEvery time a user opens a new video in Side-by-Side view (multi-view)FalseResponsive Web logo
multiview_closeEvery time a user exits Side-by-Side view (mult-iview)Falsesection_time_spentResponsive Web logo



These events are NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
overlay_closeWhen an overlay is closed (automatically or by a user)Falseoverlay_id, overlay_template, overlay_mode
overlay_openEvery time an overlay is opened (automatically or by a user)Falseoverlay_id, overlay_template, overlay_mode

PiP view​


These events are NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
pip_close_clickEvery time a user selects to close PiP on relative PiP buttonTruedefault arguments
pip_multiview_closeEvery time the user exit from PiP viewFalsesection_time_spent
pip_multiview_openEvery time a user opens a new video in PiP viewFalse
pip_show_multiview_clickEvery time a user selects to show (Side-by-side view) on relative PiP buttonTruedefault argumentsDismissed from version 5.8
pip_swap_videos_clickEvery time a user selects to swap Side-by-side on relative PiP buttonTruedefault arguments


Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
enter_fullscreenEvery time the player enters full-screen modeFalsedefault argumentsAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
enter_zoommodeEvery time the player enters zoom modeTruedefault argumentsAndroid logo iOS logo
exit_fullscreenEvery time the player exits full-screen modeFalsedefault argumentsAndroid logo iOS logo Responsive Web logo
exit_zoommodeEvery time the player exits zoom modeTruedefault argumentsAndroid logo iOS logo
modalvideo_closeEvery time a user closes DIVA modal modeFalsesection_time_spentAndroid logo iOS logo
modalvideo_close_clickEvery time a user selects the close button in DIVA modal modeTrueAndroid logo iOS logo
modalvideo_openEvery time a user enters DIVA modal modeFalseAndroid logo iOS logo
player_openEvery time that a user enters DIVAFalsehdr_modeAndroid logo iOS logo

These events are NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
recommendation_autoloadEvery time DIVA automatically loads the next videoFalsedefault arguments
recommendation_closeEvery time the Recommendations panel is closedFalsedefault arguments
recommendation_next_clickEvery time a user selects the current video 'Watch next' video link (under current video) in the Recommendations panelTruedefault arguments
recommendation_other_clickEvery time a user selects a video from the videolist in the Recommendations panelTruedefault arguments
recommendation_replay_clickEvery time a user selects the current video 'Watch again' button in the Recommendations panelTruedefault arguments
recommendation_openEvery time the Recommendations panel is openFalsedefault arguments
autoplay_disabledEvent triggered when the autoplay is going to be disabledFalse


Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
settings_audio_selectionEvery time a user selects the Audio panel to change Audio trackTrueaudio_valueAndroidTV logo Roku logo TvOS logo WebTV logo
settings_button_clickEvery time the on-screen "Settings" button is actioned by userTrueWebTV logo
settings_closeEvery time a user selects the close button in DIVA modal modeFalsedefault arguments
settings_closed_caption_selectionEvery time a user selects the Subtitles and Captioning panel to change/disable Subtitles and Captioning trackTrueclosed_caption_valueAndroidTV logo Roku logo TvOS logo WebTV logo
settings_hdr_disable_clickEvery time a user disables HDR via the Settings panelTrueAndroid logo iOS logo WebTV logo
settings_hdr_enable_clickEvery time a user enables HDR via the Settings panelTrueAndroid logo iOS logo WebTV logo
settings_openEvery time a user opens the Settings panelFalsedefault arguments
settings_wizard_clickEvery time a user opens the Wizard button via the Settings panelTrueDismissed since DIVA 5

Skip interval​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
skip_interval_button_clickWhen skip intro button is pressedTrue
skip_interval_openskip_interval_openWhen skip intro button is shownFalse
skip_interval_closeWhen skip intro button is hiddenFalse


Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
ssai_errorError generated in case of failure of the DAI manifest requestFalseerror_code, error_description
ssaiBreakEndEvery time the SSAI break endsFalse
ssaiBreakStartEvery time the SSAI break startsFalse
ssaiCompleteEvery time the SSAI completesFalse
ssaiFirstQuartileEvery time the SSAI reaches the first quartileFalse
ssaiImpressionEvery time the SSAI impression is triggeredFalse
ssaiMidpointEvery time the SSAI reaches the midpointFalse
ssaiStartEvery time the SSAI startsFalse
ssaiThirdQuartileEvery time the SSAI reaches the third quartileFalse

Squeeze Back​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
squeezeback_enabledEvent triggered whenever the Squeezeback is > nullFalse
squeezeback_clickEvent triggered when user clicks on Squeezed back player, to go full screen modeTrue
squeezeback_disabledEvent triggered when the video ends without any interaction with the squeezebackFalse

Start with two videos​


This event is NOT available for WebTV logo

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
two_video_startEvery time the player starts with two videosFalsevideoid2, diva_display_mode

Timeline markers​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
marker_clickEvery time a user selects an event markerTruemarker_type, marker_timeResponsive Web logo
marker_openEvery time the tooltip or event marker appearsFalsemarker_type, marker_timeResponsive Web logo WebTV logo


Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
video_closeEvery time a user closes a videoFalsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_drm_errorEvery time a DRM error is raised by the video component. This is considered a special sub-type of video_error.Falseerror_code, error_description, video_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_endEvery time a video playback ends automatically after video loadFalsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_errorEvery time an error is raised by the video componentFalsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_loopbackWhen player_mode is chromeless, loop is enabled and video is automatically restarted after video endFalsedefault arguments
video_milestone_25When a VOD first passes 25% total playbackFalsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_milestone_50When a VOD first passes 50% total playbackFalsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_milestone_75When a VOD first passes 75% total playbackFalsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_openEvery time an user opens a new videoFalsevideo_protection
video_pauseEvery time a pause action is called (automatically or by a user)Falsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_playEvery time a play action is called (automatically or by a user)Falsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_playback_info_eventEvery time that the timer, configured with parameter videoAnalyticsEventFrequency, is raisedFalsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_seekEvery time a user seeks through a video. In this case, the video_current_time is the time before the seek action.Falsevideo_seek_time, video_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_startEvery time a video starts playback after video loadFalsevideo_current_time, video_duration, video_current_bitrate, video_total_time_view, video_total_time_paused, video_total_time_on_video, video_max_time_reach, video_max_percentage_reach, video_current_status, video_protection
video_volume_changeWhen video volume changesFalseplayer_volume

Video list​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
multiview_exit_cancel_clickEvery time a user clicks on cancel exit multiview buttonTrue
multiview_exit_clickEvery time a user clicks on the exit button in multiview modeTrue
multiview_exit_confirm_clickEvery time a user clicks on confirm exit multiview buttonTrue
multiview_videolist_closeEvery time the multiview videolist is closedFalsevideolist_type, overlay_id
multiview_videolist_close_clickEvery time the user clicks on multiview videolist close buttonTruevideolist_type, overlay_id
multiview_videolist_openEvery time the multiview videolist is openedFalsevideolist_type, overlay_id
videolist_item_add_multiviewEvery time a user selects a videolist item to add to multiviewTruevideolist_type, overlay_id, videolist_item_video_id
videolist_item_clickEvery time a user selects a videolist thumbnailTruevideolist_type, overlay_id, videolist_item_video_id
videolist_item_focusEvery time a user focus a videolist thumbnailTruevideolist_type, overlay_idWebTV logo
videolist_item_remove_multiviewEvery time a user selects a videolist item to remove from multiviewTruevideolist_type, overlay_id, videolist_item_video_id
videolist_listmode_exitTriggered every time user specifically exits the video list mode, returning to the currently loaded video without jumping / switching to another video stream, via one of the video list items. list item. Happens by as user returns to the main player controls, from within the video list mode.Truevideolist_type, overlay_idWebTV logo
videolist_listmode_openTriggered every-time video list mode is accessed / entered, regardless on what specific VL is shown first. Happens as user navigates down, from main controls, while at least one video list is available.Truevideolist_type, overlay_idWebTV logo

Video quality selector​

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArgumentsPlatforms
quality_button_clickEvery time the user actions the "Quality" menu item inside the consolidated Settings menu, intended to expand/open the "Quality" sub-menu.TrueResponsive Web logo
quality_list_closeEvery time the "Quality" submenu is closed/collapsedFalseResponsive Web logo
quality_list_openEvery time the "Quality" submenu is opened/expandedFalseResponsive Web logo
quality_selectionEvery time a user applies a new quality level from the "Quality" submenuTruequality_value, quality_display_nameResponsive Web logo
settings_menu_button_clickEvery time the user actions the "Settings" on-screen button, while the "Quality" main menu or any of its submenus are not yet opened/visibleTrueResponsive Web logo
settings_menu_closeEvery time the "Settings" main menu closes, no matter if it was a result of user action or notFalseResponsive Web logo
settings_menu_openEvery time the "Settings" main menu is opened, as a result of user actioning the "Settings" on-screen button, or otherwiseFalseResponsive Web logo



Dismissed since DIVA 5

Event NameDescriptionInteractiveEventArguments
wizard_auto_openEvery time the Wizard is opened automaticallyFalse
wizard_closeEvery time the Wizard is closedFalsesection_time_spent Responsive Web logo
wizard_openEvery time the Wizard is opened (automatically or by a user)False

DIVA Events Arguments​


The mandatory arguments for all the events are videoId, video_display_mode and player_mode for all events and display_orientation for native mobile only

Event ArgumentDescriptionValues
actionDefines the action of the button, always in lowercasealternate_timeline, audiotracks, chapters, chromecast, closed_captions, commentary, expand, fullscreen, pip, play_pause, relevant_commentary, seek_back, seek_forward, sideview, swap, volume
activeState of the button truefalse
ad_typeType of advertisement"pre", "mid", "post"
alert_typeThe type of alert (if empty 'generic' string is used)
audio_display_nameLabel of the audio selected
audio_valueValue of the audio selected
chapter_endtimeContains the absolute end time in milliseconds of the Chapter selected (Unix Timestamp)
chapter_starttimeContains the absolute start time in milliseconds of the Chapter selected (Unix Timestamp)
chapter_titleContains the title of the Chapter selected
closed_caption_display_nameLabel of the Closed Caption of the audio selected
closed_caption_valueValue of the Closed Caption of the audio selected
commentary_notification_itemsDefines the number of Commentary items not viewed by the user. It corresponds to the number of notifications in the badge of the Commentary button
controlbar_typeType of control barfull = Main DIVA control bar, multiview = Controlbar used in multi-view (Side-by-side view), simple = For small player size
diva_display_modeTemplate type of DIVA video visualization, always in lowercasemultiview, pipview
error_codeContains the error code
error_descriptionContains a brief description of the error
extIdThe E-commerce item ID
framerateThe video framerate in frame per seconds
hdr_modeHDR modenone, hdr10
highlights_typeContains the highlights filter (possible values: 'short', 'medium', 'long', 'live')short, medium, long, live
marker_timeContains time in seconds of the event marker relative to the video
marker_typeContains the type of marker if it has a specific associated timeline icon (Goal, Yellow card, ...)
overlay_idThe analytic identifier of the action, always in lowercase
overlay_modeThe analytics identify the overlay modedefault, contextual
overlay_templateThe analytic identifier of the template used for the overlayValues for Responsive Web logo:
fullVideo, fullPage, sideBySide, leftSideVideo, rightSideVideo

Values for Android logo iOS logo:
fullVideo, mobileContextual,All the other platforms have fullVideo as default value.
playbyplay_timeIt contains the time in seconds of the playbyplay relative to the video
playbyplay_typeIt contains the type of playbyplay if has a specific timeline icon associated (Goal, Yellow card, ...), 'generic' in other cases
player_modeThe mode in which the player is initialized.Values for Responsive Web logo:
fullscreen, chromeless

Values for Android logo iOS logo:
fullscreen, embed
player_volumeThe value of the volume. Values from 0 to 1.
quality_display_nameLabel of the quality selected
quality_valueValue of the quality selected
section_time_spentHow many seconds a view (e.g. goalalert, multiview ecc...) remains open
selected_video_idVideo id selected to load
video_current_bitrateBitrate, in Kbps, of the video at the moment of the event dispatch.
video_current_statusCurrent status of video (play, pause, error)
video_current_timeTime, in seconds, of the video at the moment of the event dispatch
video_display_modeType of video visualization, always in lowercase.Values for Responsive Web logo:
single, 360, multiview, multiview_pip, multiview_pip_360,multicam,multicam_360,modal,vr, airplay, chromecast, highlights

Values for Android logo iOS logo:
single, 360, modal, vr, airplay, chromecast
video_durationDuration, in seconds, of the video at the moment of the event dispatch
video_max_percentage_reachMaximum time reached by the user, as a percentage
video_max_time_reachMaximum time reached by the user, in seconds
video_protectionType of video protectionnone, widevine, playready, fairplay, aes
video_seek_timeTime of seek request in seconds
video_total_time_on_videoTotal time over the video, in seconds. This could be larger than the duration
video_total_time_pausedTotal time of video on pause, in seconds, by user for this video (time of video on pause). This could be larger than the duration
video_total_time_viewTotal time of video view, in seconds, by user for this video (time of videoPlayback). This could be larger than the duration
videoIdUnique ID of the video
videoid2The videoid of the second video
videolist_item_video_idThe video id of the item in the videolist was clicked
videolist_typeThe type of videolistswitch, multiview, pipview, multistreamSwitch, multistreamMultiview, multistreamPipview, modal