Legacy documentation
This page contains deprecated documentation and is no longer actively maintained. A new version of this documentation is now available here.
- general
- type: General
- colours
- type: Colours
- alerts
- type: Alerts
- customPlayByPlay
- type: array of CustomPlayByPlay
- default: ""
- description: The customPbP section describes the play by play icons that you can add to Diva.
- customTemplate
- type: string
- description: (html5 only) Layout configuration json url. It passes through path resolver. If missing, empty or wrong the layout will fallback to standard one.
- ecommerce
- type: Ecommerce
- highlights
- type: Highlights
- liveLike
- type: LiveLike
- mediaTracking
- type: MediaTracking
- multicam
- type: Multicam
- pushEngine
- type: PushEngine
- syncDataPanels
- type: SyncDataPanels
- videoCast
- type: VideoCast
- alertsPath
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Url of the alerts list json file. Functionality is disabled if missing or empty. It passes through the path resolver
- pollingInterval
- type: number
- default: "60000"
- description: Polling interval used when fetching alerts list json fine. Minimim value is 5000. Value 0 mean no polling.
- delayTime
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: Waiting time before showing alerts.
- displayTime
- type: number
- default: "5000"
- description: Visibility time for an alert. Minimum value is 3000.
- base2
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- base3
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- overlayHighlightFg
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- overlayHighlightFgLight
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- chatButtonBackgroundColor
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- controlbarProgressBarBg
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- chromecastProgressBarBg
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- alertHighlightFg
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- description: (html5 only)
- highlightsTopBarBg
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- description: (html5 only)
- settingBtnBg
- type: string
- default: "#EEE60C"
- description: (html5 only)
- key
- type: string
- description: With suffix _Mini: Url of icons in the timeline. With suffix _Big: Url of icons used in the commentary overlay and in the event thumbnails (when tapping on the timeline)
- value
- type: string
- feedUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Path of the companion shop page. It's passed through the path resolver. If missing the companion shop (e-commerce data panel) is disabled and the shop icon button is hidden.
- wordTag
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Word tag used for get the title of the shop data panel in the menu bar inside the dictionary. If missing the companion shop (e-commerce data panel) is disabled and the shop icon button is hidden.
- defaultTemplate
- type: DefaultTemplate
- ecommerceId
- type: string
- default: "shop"
- description: Tag to be used for the tracking. It is passed to the tracking events as overlay_id. It is passed to GA and used in the Screen Name field for mobile and Page for Web for OVERLAY_OPEN and OVERLAY_CLOSE events, as follows: β/overlay/{analyticsTag}β"
- iconUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Url of the icon used for the shop icon button next to menu button. It passes through path resolver. If missing or empty the button is hidden.
- toleranceWindow
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: It specifies the validity time range in milliseconds after the notification event timecode in which Diva can show the e-commerce notification. The value "0" means that ecommerce notifications are disabled. This value should be greater than 2000 or the notification could be skipped
- showNotificationsOnce
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: It specifies if Diva has to show Ecommerce notifications just once or every time the user crosses the ecommerce notification window
- audioSelectionMethod
- type: AudioSelectionMethod
- backgroundImage
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: (html5 only) Path of the image to load as background of the player when autoplay is false
- closedCaptionSelectionMethod
- type: ClosedCaptionSelectionMethod
- culture
- type: string
- description: The culture code. This value is registered in the Url resolver with the d.Culture tag. It is resolved before being registered
- expectedLiveDuration
- type: number
- default: "7200000"
- description: (html5 only) It sets how many milliseconds to allocate the first timeline rendering (the actual timeline is the maximum between the actual video duration and the expected duration) - N.B. it only applies to live streams
- increaseLiveDuration
- type: number
- default: "900000"
- description: (html5 only) It sets how many milliseconds to add when the expected video duration is finished.
- iosOverrides
- type: string
- description: (iOS only) Optional used for settings internal parameters only applied to the iOS clients. It's json encoded.
- isCommentaryBadgeVisible
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: (html5 only) if true the badge positioned over the commentary button and contaning the unseen commentary items is visible.
- isCommentaryFilteredByChapter
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: (html5 only) if true the user will see in the commentary area only the content present in the current chapter. If false the user will see all the content present in the collection.
- isMiddleTimelineEventsLineEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "false"
- description: (html5 only) if true put the icon without team information in the middle line when in match mode. If false put all the events in the home team line.
- isMultiViewModeSwitchEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: (html5 only) If true user can switch from pipview to sidebyside multiview and viceversa. If false the relative buttons are hidden.
- isTimelineEventsVisibleWithCommentaryOpen
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: (html5 only) if true the event bar remains visible even if the commentary is open. If false the timeline event bar will be hidden when the commentary is open.
- jumpLargeGaps
- type: boolean
- default: "false"
- description: (html5 only) Only for Shaka Player: if true it lets Diva to jump large gaps in Dash streams.
- liveBackOff
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: (html5 only) back off setting of the Diva player, sets the delay in milliseconds from the real live position (for live streams in the live point only)
- minimalLayoutWidth
- type: number
- default: "640"
- description: Width in pixels below which the minimal layout is shown
- pipMode
- type: boolean
- default: "false"
- description: Whether to enable the Native PiP feature or not
- relevantCommentaryStartsVisible
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: (html5 only) starting value for the active state. If false relevant commentary is not active (even if the feature is enabled) and user can activate it by clicking on the relevant commentary custom button
- resolveManifestUrl
- type: boolean
- default: "false"
- description: If true, the video URL is passed to the path resolver immediately before being passed to the playback component.
- smallGapLimit
- type: number
- default: "0.5"
- description: (html5 only) Only for Shaka Player: the limit (in seconds) for a gap in the media to be considered "small", that Diva can jump.
- trackVideoDataManifest
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: (html5 only) If true, videoSource in external API will be the videodata one, if false will be the one used by the player (with token if present).
- videoAnalyticsEventFrequency
- type: number
- default: "120000"
- description: It sets frequency of sending D3_VIDEO_PLAYBACK_INFO_EVENT event, in milliseconds
- isEndOfPlayEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: false
- description: it tells if end of play feature is enabled
- startMode
- type: StartMode
- shortFilter
- type: array of array
- default: ""
- description: (html5 only) Event types for Short Highlights. Works only on VOD streams. Use wildcard * in order to select all the events
- mediumFilter
- type: array of array
- default: ""
- description: (html5 only) Event types for Medium Highlights. Works only on VOD streams. Use wildcard * in order to select all the events
- longFilter
- type: array of array
- default: ""
- description: (html5 only) Event types for Long Highlights. Works only on VOD streams. Use wildcard * in order to select all the events
- liveFilter
- type: array of array
- default: ""
- description: (html5 only) Event types for Live Highlights. Works only on LIVE streams. Use wildcard * in order to select all the events
- clientId
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Liverlike clientId. If it's empty the feature is disabled
- chatEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "false"
- description: The parameter enables the livelike influencer chat into the player.
- widgetThemeUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Json location that Diva loads to customise widgets. Missing/empty/wrong Diva should load the old layout of widget
- type: MediaTrackingType
- type: string
- description: Akamai: (mandatory) - Config Beacon xml url Conviva: not used
- type: string
- description: Akamai: type: boolean, default: false. It indicates whether or not to track location Conviva: not used
- type: string
- description: Akamai: type: boolean, default: false. It indicates whether or not to track IP. Conviva: type: string, default: ''. CDN name. Used to indicate the CDN used. eg. AKAMAI.
- type: string
- description: Akamai: type: boolean. default: false. It indicates whether or not the Akamai Plugin component is doing a fetch on the manifest, to inspect it, to parse the playlist, get bitrate list and other details. Conviva: type: string, mandatory. Customer Key. Used to connect to Conviva SDK. If missing the tracking will be disabled.
- type: string
- default: "{p.platform} - {p.device}"
- description: Akamai: not used Conviva: Player Name. A human readable string used to distinguish the player name or the app. This value passes through pathResolver. In Chromecast streaming, player name became: βChromecast - {setting6}β
- type: string
- default: "{Run.sessionID}"
- description: Akamai and Conviva: Viewer ID. A unique identifier to distinguish individual users. Can be a username, an email or a generated GUID. This value passes through pathResolver
- type: string
- default:
- description: Akamai: not used Conviva: Asset Name. Unique name for each stram/video asset. This provides for clarity in reports. This value passes through pathResolver
- type: string
- default:
- description: Akamai and Conviva: Custom Tags. List of semicolon separated name-value pairs, that will be added as custom tags. If missing the default list will be applied.. This value passes through pathResolver
- enable360Cameras
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: Enable / Disable 360 camera videos support. Is possible to disable just this feature thanks to the relative VideoMetadata Capability
- fallbackImage
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Image to be used in the video list if a thumbnail is not provided. It may include the placeholder {cam.id} to indicate the camera ID coming from the collection. It passes through the Path Resolver. The context of the Path Resolver is the main video. If not available, the Html5 player uses the property image in videoMetadata.
- fieldConfigUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: URL of the JSON describing the field map. If empty, the camera field icon will not be displayed on the screen during multicam and therefore will not be accessible. It passes through the Path Resolver.
- isVREnabledFor360video
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: Enable / Disabled VR access. It's used to enable accessing VR mode in multicam videos.
- videoListUrl
- type: string
- description: It contains the sequence of videometadata units that describes the multicam list. It passes through the Path Resolver. It uses the placeholders {cam.videoRef} and {cam.videoRefVersion}
- configUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Path of the pushengine config file. If empty the PshEngine is disabled
- dataPanelsCollectionName
- type: string
- default: "OverlayLiteData"
- description: the name of the sync data panels Collection
- dataPanelsScopeName
- type: string
- default: "{v.EventID}.{d.Culture}"
- description: the scope of the data panels Collection. It passes through the path resolver.
- dataPanelsCollectionEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: Enable / disable the data panels Collection
- eCommerceCollectionName
- type: string
- default: "eCommerce"
- description: the name of the eCommerce Collection
- eCommerceScopeName
- type: string
- default: "{v.id}.{d.Culture}"
- description: the scope of the eCommerce Collection. It passes through the path resolver.
- eCommerceCollectionEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: Enable / disable the eCommerce Collection
- editorialCollectionName
- type: string
- default: "Editorial"
- description: the name of the Editorial Collection
- editorialScopeName
- type: string
- default: "{v.id}.{d.Culture}"
- description: the scope of the editorial Collection. It passes through the path resolver.
- editorialCollectionEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: Enable / disable the editorial Collection
- isFragmentsEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: (html5 only) it defines if the player will progressively download pushengine fragments or just download a new full collection after each sentinel change.
- playByPlayCollectionName
- type: string
- default: "PlayByPlay"
- description: the name of the PbP Collection
- playByPlayScopeName
- type: string
- default: "{v.EventID}.{d.Culture}"
- description: the scope of the PbP Collection. It passes through the path resolver.
- playByPlayCollectionEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: Enable / disable the PbP Collection
- dataFolderUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Url of the data folder (the Overlay XML description). {V.EventId} tag is refered to the event id of the match and {d.Culture} tag is the data culture
- defaultTemplate
- type: DefaultTemplate
- defaultTrack
- type: string
- default: "menu"
- description: name of the menu track
- maxLoadTime
- type: number
- default: "0"
- description: (html5 only) length of time (in milliseconds) an overlay has to send ready message before loading error is handled. A value of 0 disables the requirement for this message to be sent
- otherParams
- type: string
- default: "?templateName={p.currentTemplate}"
- description: (html5 only) A query string or params to pass to overlays. Ampersands must be HTML encoded (&), values must be URI encoded
- example: "?templateName={p.currentTemplate}&match=Juventus%20vs%20Athletico"
- renderingFolderUrl
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Url of the rendering folder (the Overlay XML clickable areas, HTML and PNG). {ResourceURI} tag is refered to the relative path inside overlaData (like html, png and clickcable xml)
- templateForTracksId
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: (html5 only) string map of [menuId]:[templateType] for each defined menu template. 'menuId' has to match the attribute 'id' of one of the element in the menu html. If id is missing or empty it uses 'trackingId'. If even trackingId is missing or empy it uses 'title'. Otherwise it uses the default value.
- trustedOrigins
- type: string
- description: A string or comma separated URIs to trust messages recieved via postMessage API. By default it's the DIVA's origin
- example: "http://demo.deltatre.com,http://localhost:3000"
- castBackground
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: Url of the background image used in case of wrong or missing videodata thumbnail image during the video cast. It passes through the path resolver. If missing, empty or wrong, no background image is used.
- chromecastAppID
- type: string
- default: ""
- description: It is the identifier of the Receiver App. The functionality is disabled if empty or invalid. NOTE: The appID must be exactly in the capitalisation provided by the Google console (typically, in uppercase).
- isAirplayEnabled
- type: boolean
- default: "true"
- description: Enable the Airplay feature on Diva iOS and related icon. From 4.7.1 version if this is set to false and the user try to cast using the notification center the playback will stop with diva_airplay_forbidden_error
- useCredentials
- type: boolean
- default: "false"
- description: Enable sending cross-site credentials on the chromecast receiver. ref: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/withCredentials
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "title"
- "lang"
- default: "title"
- description: select the method to find the track into the manifest. If title Diva uses name for HLS and label for DASH. Otherwise lang for HLS and language for DASH
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "title"
- "lang"
- default: "title"
- description: select the method to find the track into the manifest. If title Diva uses name for HLS and label for DASH. Otherwise lang for HLS and language for DASH
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "fullVideo"
- "sideBySide"
- default: "sideBySide"
- description: (html5 only) type of the html template
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "akamai"
- "conviva"
- type: enum (of strings)
- possible values:
- "none"
- "short"
- "medium"
- "long"
- "live"
- default: "none"
- description: (android and iOS only)