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Media errors​

Media errors are issues related to the actual video file or stream itself. These errors are more technical in nature and involve problems with the format, encoding, or integrity of the media.

CodeCategoryMessagePossible CausesTroubleshooting
0, 403, 404, 502diva_video_errorManifest loading errormanifest urlCheck the video manifest url
0, 403, 404, 502diva_video_errorQuality level loading Errorquality level urlCheck the requested quality level availability
nonediva_video_errorMissing valid format videosourcenoneCheck the video source format in the VideoMetadata
nonediva_video_errorErrors raised by AVPlayer library
iOS logo TvOS logo
noneClick here for more info: NSError Codes - Apple Developer Documentation
nonediva_video_errorErrors raised by Exoplayer library
Android logo AndroidTV logo
noneClick here for more info: PlaybackException - Android Developers
xxxxdiva_video_errorErrors raised by Shaka Player library
Responsive Web logo WebTV logo
noneClick here for more info: JSDoc: Class: Shaka.util.Error
7xxMEDIAErrors raised by native web video element
Responsive Web logo WebTV logo
manifest urlCheck the video manifest url
8xxdiva_video_errorErrors raised by HLS.js library
Responsive Web logo WebTV logo
noneClick here for more info:
996MEDIA[web-media-player] Missing or empty video src
997PLAYER[web-media-player] Mediaplayer not initialized

Generic errors​

Generic errors are issues that are not directly related to the video content or media itself. These errors are typically related to the browser, or the user's device.

CodeCategoryMessagePossible CausesTroubleshooting
sourcediva_video_source_errorVideo source missingnoneCheck the video source in the VideoMetadata
404diva_video_metadata_errorError retrieving videoMetadata urlvideoMetadata urlCheck the videoMetadata url in the VideoMetadata
404diva_ssai_request_errorError retrieving stream from DAI ServicenoneCheck the SSAI configuration in the settings
983GENERICAD Block ErrorAdBlocker detectedThe user has to disable the AdBlocker on the browser
984GENERICMissing valid videosource
985GENERICMissing valid videometadata
987GENERICError initializing player
988GENERICVideo source is missing
998GENERICShaka init failed
999GENERICShaka not supported / Hls.js not supported

Content errors​

Content errors are issues related to the availability and accessibility of the video content itself. These errors typically arise from external factors affecting whether the video can be found, accessed, or legally played.

CodeCategoryMessagePossible CausesTroubleshooting
10diva_entitlement_errorAccount not recognizedEntitlement Request and Response jsonCheck if the account is valid
11diva_entitlement_errorThis content is not available with the account credentialsEntitlement Request and Response jsonCheck if your account can access this video
12diva_entitlement_errorSession expiredEntitlement Request and Response jsonCheck if and why the entitlement service heartbeat fails
13diva_entitlement_errorToo many sessions running with the same credentialsEntitlement Request and Response jsonCheck if there are other sessions open on other devices
14diva_entitlement_errorWrong DRM token from the Entitlement ServiceEntitlement Request and Response jsonCheck the DRM configuration on the Entitlement Service
21diva_entitlement_errorGeneric system error on the Entitlement ServiceEntitlement Request and Response jsonCheck the entitlement service availability/try again later
22diva_entitlement_errorGeneric error on the Entitlement Service due to user connectionEntitlement Request and Response jsonCheck the entitlement service availability/try again later
23diva_entitlement_errorAll the Entitlement retries are failedEntitlement Request and Response jsonCheck the entitlement service availability/try again later
989DRMWebkit key error
990DRMWrong DRM token from the Entitlement Service
991DRMCould not create MediaKeys
992DRMFairplay request to license server status failed. Status: /
993DRMFairplay request to license server failed
994DRMFairplay certificate request failed
995DRMFairplay Certificate Path missing