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Chain play / Up Next

What you learn​

You are instantiating DIVA Player in your Roku application and relying on DIVA Back Office as the video streaming source.

The goal of this article is to build the simplest Roku application to stream a video from the DIVA Back Office with, at the end, the activation of up-next in combination with end of play.

Before starting​


Write the Basic instantiation code. There's no additional code to write, unless you need to overwrite the autoplay behavior that the VideoMetadata contains.

Up next configuration​

Write the observer on the field m.boAdapterNode.videoDataNode to get the VideoMetadataMap as in the folllowing example, and set the upNext property:

  • undefined default value if not set and up next not shown
  • This is the only mandatory value to set to show up next:
upNext: {
{ videoId: "<videoId>" }
  • These are the complete fields that can be set:
upNext: {
videoId: "<videoId>",
title: "<title>",
caption: "<caption>",
imageUrl: "<imageUrl>",


Write the observer on the field m.boAdapterNode.videoDataNode to get the VideoMetadataMap as in the following example, and set the endOfPlay property:

"behaviour": {
"endOfPlay": {
"countdownToAutoplay":10000 'milliseconds, default 10000, 0 or negative means disabled

In the settings file, the general section must contain "timeToDisableAutoplay": 5400000, like in the following example:

"general": {
"timeToDisableAutoplay": 5400000, 'milliseconds, default 0, 0 or negative means disabled

The autoplay will start if countdownToAutoplay has set. In this case the countdown will start.

  • countdownToAutoplay will enable or disable the autoplay at the end of the milliseconds set ()

Working sample code (.brs)​

sub launchBOAdapter(divaLaunchParams as object)
' Observe BO Adapter VideoMetaDataNode
m.boAdapterNode.observeField("videoDataNode", "onBOAdapterVideoDataNodeHandler")
end sub

sub onBOAdapterVideoDataNodeHandler(evt as dynamic)
data = evt.getData()

upNext: {
itemId: "next video id <videoId>",
title: "Video Title",
caption: "Sub Title",
imageUrl: "",
behaviour: {
endOfPlay: {
countdownToAutoplay: 10000 'milliseconds, default 10000, 0 or negative means disabled

' Setup Diva Player Metadata
m.dpUtilsNode.callFunc("setMetaData", data)
end sub

sub onSettingsHandler(evt as dynamic)
data = evt.getData()

if data.general = invalid
end if
general = data.general
general.AddReplace("timeToDisableAutoplay", 5400000) 'milliseconds, default 0, 0 or negative means disabled
data.general = general

' Setup Diva Player Settings
m.dpUtilsNode.callFunc("setSettings", data)
end sub


Ensure the dictionary file contains the relevant keys.

Analytics events​

Find here the available analytics events for the Chain play / Up Next.