What's the videoId
The videoId
is the unique video asset identifier among the video assets managed by a single DIVA Player instance.
E.g., the videos available in multiview mode must have each a unique videoId.
How to value the videoId
Deltatre video workflow​
In case of Deltatre video workflow, the video engineer team provides the videoId
embedded within the VideoMetadata.
Third-party video workflow​
In case of third-party video workflow, it's up to integrator to value the videoId
Whether the videoId
equals the video asset identifier in the third-party video CMS or it's a custom value, it must be unique among the video assets managed by a single DIVA Player instance.
How does DIVA Player use the videoId
The videoId
is the instantiatiation parameter by which DIVA player fetches the video data associated to the video asset to play
In case of third-party video workflow, the videoMetaDataProvider uses the videoId
to retrieve the video data.
Alos, the videoId
is widely used within the video player internal logic to identify the video asset and to manage the player state.
The videoId
can be retireved among the DIVA Events Arguments and can be used by the front-end to track the player state and to manage the player behavior.
Furthermore, the videoId
is used when swithing the current streaming video asset, as a parameter of the player APIs, or one of the arguments of the Path resolver function (Web Path Resolver).