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End of play

What you learn​

You're instantiating DIVA Player in your web front-end and relying on DIVA Back Office as the video streaming source.

The goal of this article is to build the simplest front-end to stream a video from the DIVA Back Office with, at the end, some additional content.


Before starting​


Write the Basic instantiation code. There's no additional code to write, unless you need to overwrite the autoplay behavior that the VideoMetadata contains.

End of play configuration​

Write the App() function to read the VideoMetadata as in the following example, and set the endOfPlay properties:

"countdownToAutoplay": <number> //milliseconds, default 10000, 0 or negative means disabled,
"timeToDisableAutoplay": <number> //milliseconds, default 5400000, 0 or negative means disabled,

Working sample code (.tsx)​

import { AssetState, BoAdapterWebComponentProps, DivaWebBoAdapter, VideoMetadata } from "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-bo-adapter";
import "@deltatre-vxp/diva-sdk/diva-web-sdk/index.min.css";
import { useState } from "react";

const videoId = "<videoId>";

const libs = {
mux: "",
shaka: "",
hlsJs: "",
googleIMA: false,
googleDAI: false,
googleCast: false,
threeJs: false

const config = {
videoId: videoId,
libs: libs,

function App() {
const [isVideoLive, setIsVideoLive] = useState(false);
const props: BoAdapterWebComponentProps = {
settingsUrl: "<settings URL>",
languageCode: "en-US",
languageDictionary: "en-US",
onDivaBoAdapterError: console.error,
config: config,
videoMetadataMap: async (vd: VideoMetadata) => {
vd.behaviour.endOfPlay = {
"countdownToAutoplay": 10000 //milliseconds, default 10000, 0 or negative means disabled
"timeToDisableAutoplay": 5400000 //milliseconds, default {}5400000, 0 or negative means disabled
return vd;

  return (
     <DivaWebBoAdapter {...props} />