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Theming capabilities​

The video player component allows customizing:

  • Base colors
  • Timeline and commentary icons
  • Timeline icons size when keyboard-navigated

Where do I customize elements?​

The settings file is where you can set elements customization. Find detailed instructions in the following Style guide paragraph.

Style guide​

Base colors​

Define colors for various player elements to align with your brand identity.

Component nameDescriptionDefaultExample
base2Base color#CF030B#0f4698
base3Base color for tabs and buttons#CF030B#0f4698
controlbarProgressBarBgColor of the progress bar.#CF030B#0f4698
chromecastProgressBarBgColor of the progress bar in Chromecast#CF030B#b410b6

Generic base colors​

In the settings colours section, properties base2 and base3 allow customizing color for

  • Buttons
  • Progress bars
  • Highlights
  "settings": {
"colours": {
"base2": "#0f4698",
"base3": "#0f4698",
Base color Demo > #0f4698

Progress bar background​

In the settings colours section, properties controlbarProgressBarBg and chromecastProgressBarBg allow customizing color for control bars.

  "settings": {
"colours": {
"controlbarProgressBarBg": "#EEE60C",
"chromecastProgressBarBg": "#EEE60C",
Control bar Demo > #b410b6


Fonts per platform are:

  • Roboto for Android
  • San Francisco for iOS
  • Roboto for Responsive web

Fonts can't be customized. This preserves items alignment and avoids overlapping.


Customize icons to fit your visual style.

Timeline and commentary icons​

The Timeline and Commentary icons are used to represent events in the timeline. You can customize the icons for each event type.

timeline-icons1 timeline-icons2 timeline-icons1 Download the icons set

Each event has 2 icons definition, which can be customized in the settings file:

  • the icons with _Mini suffix in the key are used in Timeline
  • the icons with _Big suffix in the key are used in Commentary
"customPlayByPlay": [
"key": "Goal_Big",
"value": "https://my-images/goa_big.png"
"key": "Goal_Mini",
"value": "https://my-images/goa_small.png"
"key": "YellowCard_Big",
"value": "https://my-images/yc_big.png"
"key": "YellowCard_Mini",
"value": "https://my-images/yc_small.png"

The images can have the following formats:

  • .jpeg
  • .png

You can also let the Diva player calculates the density of the device and use it to load the appropriate icons by using the p.density placeholder.

"customPlayByPlay": [
"key": "Goal_Big",
"value": "https://my-images/icons/{p.density}/yc_big.png"
"key": "Goal_Mini",
"value": "https://my-images/icons/{p.density}/yc_small.png"
"key": "YellowCard_Big",
"value": "https://my-images/icons/{p.density}/yc_big.png"
"key": "YellowCard_Mini",
"value": "https://my-images/icons/{p.density}/yc_small.png"

An internal function calculates and returns a string representing the device pixel density.

  return "@${Math.min(Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio), 3)}x";
  • window.devicePixelRatio: This property returns the ratio of the resolution in physical pixels to the resolution in CSS pixels for the current display device.
  • Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio): Rounds the device pixel ratio to the nearest whole number.
  • Math.min(Math.round(window.devicePixelRatio), 3): Ensures that the value does not exceed 3.

Example: If window.devicePixelRatio is 2.5, the function will return @2x. If it is 3.5, the function will return @3x.

About the icons size:

  • For Timeline icon should be 12x12 px icon if you use icon for home away visualization. 18x18 px if you use a single line icon visualization.
  • For Commentary\Alternate Timeline icon should be 24x24 px icon.