Known issues
If opening DIVA with device already connected to AirPlay, when stopping casting, the AirPlay button disappears (same behavior as YouTube)
Simultaneous video casting on DIVA via AirPlay and Chromecast is not supported
On the big screen, AirPlay shows the full timeline of the video despite trim-in/trim-out being set
Trim feature supported during cast, although on the big screen, the full timeline is drawn without hiding the trimmed parts
From 4.7.1, the player detects if the user tries to enable AirPlay casting
from the Notification Center and will stop the playback, showing the
. The video playback stops and forces the user
to disable and reopen the video. Please use a clear message for this error.
When open Diva at the time, when
advertisement is playing (resume application), where is no event about
advertisement progress from IMA DAI SDK for Roku. Player UI visibility is
depending on this event.
When seek in the middle of server-side
advertisement playback, where is no event about advertisement progress from
IMA DAI SDK for Roku. Player UI visibility is depending on this event.
If the setting panel is open the alert will be shown under it
Alternate streams (multi-stream)
If the videos have different lengths and we are not able to perform a deepLink, we apply the standard deeplink rules: we go live for Live videos and we start from 0 for the VOD.
Audio Track
On AirPlay, the user can view and change all the audiotracks available in the video manifest using the AppleTV remote control. When the user stops casting and comes back to DIVA, the correct audio track is reapplied
Multiple tracks with the same language are not supported using the lang
selection method
Multiple tracks with the same title are not supproted using the title
selection method
Roku video node has some problems with
audio tracks parsing for some Diva generated Dash manifests. Audio tracks
panel might be empty because of this reason.
The Chromecast receiver displays the full timeline of the video, despite trim-in/trim-out being set
Can't use a custom CAF receiver app unless it's developed to be compatible with DIVA custom messaging protocol
Trim feature supported during cast, although on the big screen the full timeline is drawn without hiding the trimmed parts
Not possible to change receiver app id at
runtime (needs application restart)
On Android: nearby devices (the ones not
in the same local subnetwork) not always discovered properly
Only available on Chrome desktop browser, not
available on mobile browser.
During casting all video events on main
device are not tracked.
[embedded with iframe] When the user
disconnects the player clicking on browser's panel and tries to reconnect
without leaving the panel, the casting doesn't work.
Closed Captions
Multiple tracks with the same language are not supported using the lang
selection method
Multiple tracks with the same title are not supported using the title
selection method
the video plugins
(AVPlayer and ExoPlayer) follow the [HLS RFC] and the absence of closed caption content must be declared in the playlist using the
. In case this tag
is not present, the player will expose a track with key EXT-X-STREAM-INF CLOSED-CAPTIONS=NONE
For more information read these articles: [iOS - Unknown CC track] and [Android - Fake text track]
closed captions not supported on 360 videos
in case of videodata polling and video reload
the new video could show the closed captions of the previous stream. No
problem if both videos have the same tracks list and in case of video
switch. In case of change from a manifest with webVtt to a manifest with
CEA_608 captions, 608 tracks won't be visible because DIVA filters out 608
in case of cohexistance of webVtt (in this case coming from the previous
[Safari] both mobile and desktop we can't
detect if a CC is a 608, so in case the label of the CC (name or lang
depending on the selection) is not empty we don't force d3608 label as we do
on dash or with hls.js
Note that players
like ExoPlayer, ShakaPlayer (used on Web when playing DASH videos) and
AVPlayer (used on Web Safari) will translate the manifest lang attribute to
a twoletter representation (
ISO 639-1
) and you need to take this into
account when creating the DIVA Vocabulary
Video content node subtitleConfig should be
setup with eia608 config value for correct closed captions
eia608 type tracks parsing. If video manifest has no tracks
available, Video node still returns one not existing track of eia608
type because of such configuration.
Start Ad
Conviva event is received twice, native Conviva library issue.
media analytics event is not fired sometimes from IMA DAI SDK for Roku during server-side advertisement playback. "PodStart" Conviva event is not
received because of this.
Diva Chromecast: Widewine issue caused by Azure media service. When the audio or video segments have different length, the manifest will grow exponentially, causing crash or very long video startup time due to the low memory.
We have not the support for persistent licence. Every time that there is a video playback request we contact the entitlement service to get the token that permits to retrieve the licence.
For DASH protection we have full support
for Level3 protection. Level 1 is supported only by a restricted set of
devices (we don’t have the complete list)
For having a DRM azure workflow that
correctly works with all iOS devices + airplay combinations we suggest to
use a jwt token containing the parameter
urn:microsoft:azure:mediaservices:maxuses with a value that is less than 2.
Fairplay on Mobile devices works only on
Safari 11+ on iOS 11.2+.
Fairplay on Safari desktop needs to have DRM
node explicitly set.
When Diva is in highlights mode and user
scrolls down to panels sections and focus into info panel header and then
navigate left and didn't see the message that it is not possible to rewind
or fast forward before, then the message is incorrectly displayed.
Native Picture-in-Picture (PiP)
When PiP is opened, all advertisements are skipped. Otherwise, during the playback of an advertisement on the main player, if the user puts the player in background, PiP will not activate
Users can temporarily seek outside of the
trimmed area
The seekbar shows the full length of the
video (untrimmed)
The seekbar and seek buttons are visible for
PIP and Live video
On iPadOS, PiP is only launched if the video
is in full-screen view.
While going in pip mode or tapping on
the pip window in order to show video controller user may notice a
flickering (while resizing for 1 frame pip window is scaled). We opened a
bug on Exoplayer GitHub page
[Firefox] Custom PiP button is not shown.
[Firefox] For users on another application
who then exit PiP mode, DIVA does not automatically return to the foreground
[Firefox] PiP is not closed when the video
content ends
[Firefox] PiP is not closed when entering
multi-cam mode and users can activate PiP in multi-cam mode
[Firefox] Midroll is not skipped during PiP
mode and it is shown on DIVA
[Firefox] Users can seek before trim-in
[Firefox] Users who enable PiP during
buffering would notice issues with the PiP play/pause toggle
[Firefox] PiP is not closed in case of
multi-view switch and users can enable PiP during multi-view mode
[Firefox] PiP is not closed when the video
content contains a video error at runtime
[Firefox] PiP cannot be disabled from the
settings parameter
[Firefox] PiP analytics are not available
[Web-Android] Pip functionality not available
on web-android
[Web-iOS] when DIVA is in fullscreen, users
can activate PiP by tapping/clicking the system button (top-left), even if
the functionality is not supported (midroll, multi-cam, 360, multi-view). As
workaround, PiP is immediately closed
[Web-iOS-iPad] entering native PiP mode from
full-screen can lead to an inconsistent status of native PiP switch button
in the controlbar
[Web-iOS-iPad] entering native PiP mode from
full-screen during multi-cam mode can lead to a visual misalignment of video
in the multi-cam carousel
[Safari] All controls are hidden if
entering/exiting fullscreen mode during PiP mode
Side-by-side videos (multi-video)
Pre-rolls/mid-rolls are partially supported: their audio may not be muted
DAI is partially supported (the player controls might partially cover the AD)
Video Playback
[Web mobile iOS 12] Using DIVA HTML5 on iOS
12, after putting the browser in background and returning after ~1min the
player may result in a video error
[Safari] In case of wrong values in Safari
desktop, (bigger of video duration), the player can't always respects the
standard behavior: video doesn't start in autoplay and showing a black
[Safari desktop] - When the network
connection lost-Video Error message not displayed during Video
For HLS videos without liveBackOff the user
could experience delays when switching from pause to play in 24/7 videos. On
the other hand a liveBackOff could cause startup delay (only startup, not
play pause switch) with hls live in general and Safari
starting bitrate not supported on DASH stream
The playhead is not visible during the time
set for trim-in. This issue occurs for live videos with dvr and trim-in set.
For instance if trim-in is set to 10 min, when the user moves the playhead
to the beginning of DVR, the user won't see the playhead, but if users moves
it pass 10 min, the playhead will appear. Ticket FB11138924 has been raised
to Apple to address this issue.
Dash Live Linear video seek to 0 doesn't
work, seeked video started from 8-9 seconds start position
Dash Live Linear video playback doesn't
Video Thumbnails
are supportedVirtual Reality (VR) and 360 videos
MP4 is supported but it's not recommended for a good user experience. We advise using HLS with at least 3 bitrate renditions (from 1080p to 4k)
the 360 feature does not work properly on
iPhone with iOS 14.0
the performances are not so good on old
browsers or PC