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Roku SDK

This guide explains how to integrate DIVA into your Roku channel application.


The SDK self-contains every dependency you need for DIVA Player integration and run:

  • components/divaPlayer folder contains all DIVA Player related source codes
  • resources/fonts folder contains font files for DIVA Player UI
  • resources/images folder contains all graphic assets for DIVA Player UI

SDK Setup​

Unzip Roku SDK package and copy components and resources folders into the root of your Roku channel application project


Follow steps described below for correct DIVA Player initialization and run:

  1. Add divaPlayerUtils.brs file into your main scene file as source file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<component name="MainScene" extends="Scene">
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/MainScene.brs"/>
<script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/divaPlayer/divaPlayerUtils.brs"/>

<Group id="screensStack"/>
  1. Get DIVA Player component instance with getDivaPlayer() function, add it to scene components stack and set focus inside init method of your main scene
divaPlayer = getDivaPlayer()
  1. Set launch parameters to DIVA Player with setDivaPlayerLaunchParams(arg) function with argument of object type
videoId: ["id"]
deepLinkValue: value
deepLinkType: "type"
preferredCCTrackName: "track"
preferredAudioTrackName: "track"
hdrMode: true

' accessibility options
darkerBackgroundCc: true
enlargedCc: false
opaqueBackground: false
ccEnhancementsOptionEnabled: false
transparencyOptionEnabled: false
  1. Set dictionary to DIVA Player with setDivaDictionary(arg) function with argument of object type
messages : {
key1: value1,
key2: value2,
  1. Set settings to DIVA Player with setDivaSettings(arg) function with argument of ContentNode type
settings = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
key1: value1
key2: value2

  1. Observe required get metadata call from DIVA Player with function observeDivaMetadataUpdate and serve metadata in handler with function setDivaMetaData(arg). An argument type for setDivaMetaData function should be ContentNode

sub onMetadataUpdateHandler()
metadata = CreateObject("roSGNode", "ContentNode")
title: "Title"
sources: [
uri: "uri value",
format: "format value",

end sub
  1. Observe other callbacks from DIVA Player if needed
' Observe DIVA Player exit call

' Observe DIVA Player Error call

' Observe DIVA Player selected Audio track call

' Observe DIVA Player selected Closed Captions track call

' Observe DIVA Player generic analytics event call

' Observe DIVA Player media analytics event call


sub onDivaPlayerExitHandler()
' Exit from DIVA Player
end sub

sub onDivaPlayerError(evt)
' DIVA player error
end sub

sub onSelectedCCTrackHandler(evt)
' Selected closed captions track
end sub

sub onSelectedAudioTrackHandler(evt)
' Selected audio track
end sub

sub onAnalyticsEventHandler(evt)
' Generic analytics event handler callback
end sub

sub onMediaAnalyticsEventHandler(evt)
' Media analytics event handler callback
end sub
  1. Run DIVA Player with runDivaPlayer() function

DIVA Player will run in full screen mode as a result.