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Side-by-side view


DIVA's Side-by-side view lets users to view up to four different live or VOD events simultaneously on a single screen, such as all the live now events. This feature is only available in landscape mode.

DIVA requirements​

Some devices might not support multiple concurrent videos, therefore we advise the integrating project to verify their requirements.

DIVA Settings and VideoMetadata​

When you instantiate DIVA you can launch one or more video.


You can pass to DIVA a maximum of 2 videos and in the instantiation it's required this parameter which defines how to display those videos:

  • MultiviewMode: values -> multiview | pip

From Video List​

It's possible to enable multi video visualisation from a Video List configuring the VideoListBehaviour.


The VideoListBehaviour valid for the multi-video functionality are:

  • pipview
  • multistreamPipview

DIVA translations​

For all Side-by-side view labels, please refer to the Dictionary

Known issues and limitations​

Please check the Known issues page for feature specific information.

Product documentation​

For Side-by-side view visuals and behaviors, visit the DIVA help centre.