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High Dynamic Range (HDR) allows DIVA to play HEVC (h265) HDR10. Videos in this format have a higher resolution, with sharper, brighter, greater contrast imagery. Please refer to the feature support matrix for information on platform availability.

DIVA requirements​

DIVA Settings and VideoMetadata​

The VideoMetaData specification contains video sources with an additional attribute:

During the instantiation of DIVA, you can enable and disable HDR using the following parameter:

Integrating applications can perform HEVC/HDR10 detection on their end. If the parameter is true, the DIVA player attempts to select a video source that matches the current HDR video platform priorities (see Settings file). If there is no match, the player will fall back, selecting a video source that matches the video platform priorities, even if it’s not an HDR video source.

When an HDR video source is available, the Settings panel shows an additional toggle that allows the user to disable (or later re-enable) HDR mode. This allows the user to opt out of HDR mode in case the video is not displayed correctly.

  • Not all devices support HDR10 mode
  • Not all devices support HEVC/h265 codec (independently from HDR mode)

DIVA translations​

For HDR translations labels, please refer to the Dictionary:

Product documentation​

For HDR, visit the DIVA help centre HDR