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Native PiP


Native Picture-in-Picture (PiP) functionality displays a smaller floating video on top of another screen when switching apps or navigating away from a video. Native PiP is common to the existing OTT platforms, increases the visibility of multiple events simultaneously, and is supported by the device's operating system or browser.

DIVA requirements​

You can enable/disable Native PiP using the following parameter:

DIVA Settings​

When using DIVA on HTML5, it's possible to add a native PiP button to the DIVA layout using the 'CustomTemplate' feature, then adding a button with a pip action. Selecting the native PiP button initiates native PiP mode.


For native Picture-in-Picture, DIVA raises external Analytic events

Known issues and limitations​

Please check the Known issues page for feature specific information.

Product documentation​

For Native PiP visuals and behaviors, visit the DIVA help centre.