Native PiP
Mobile | Tablet | Web | ||
Native Picture-in-Picture (PiP) functionality displays a smaller floating video on top of another screen when switching apps or navigating away from a video. Native PiP is common to the existing OTT platforms, increases the visibility of multiple events simultaneously, and is supported by the device's operating system or browser.
DIVA requirements​
You can enable/disable Native PiP using the following parameter:
DIVA Settings​
- Web and Web mobile
- Mobile
When using DIVA on HTML5, it's possible to add a native PiP button to the DIVA layout using the 'CustomTemplate' feature, then adding a button with a pip action. Selecting the native PiP button initiates native PiP mode.
Native PiP is initiated by putting the application into the background during video playback.
PiP does not activate if the video content is paused or if a playback error has occurred.
When bringing the application back to the foreground, PiP closes, and the video returns to the original view.
Close the PiP window using the controls available on the native PiP window.
For native Picture-in-Picture, DIVA raises external Analytic events
Known issues and limitations​
Please check the Known issues page for feature specific information.
Product documentation​
For Native PiP visuals and behaviors, visit the DIVA help centre.