Synchronized Data Panels
Mobile | Web | TV Platforms | ||
Synchronized Data Panels, a core feature of DIVA, supports synchronized sports information and statistics inline with the video. Users can consume the video with access to further details about the current moment, e.g., a goal scored, or a historical moment if seeking backward in time.
DIVA's Data Panel content is agnostic, supporting all sport types. The content and the layout of every Data Panel is defined by on a per-project basis.
PushEngine component​
Configure the Synchronized Data Panel via the PushEngine component.
DIVA requirements​
DIVA provides a set of configurations to enable the Synchronized Data Panel functionality. A data integration layer using a sport data provider (that gets information from sport feeds like Matrix or Opta), or an editorial content using DIVA's back office Video Editor console is required. The data collection must be provided by the project and configured in pushEngine component.
DIVA Settings and videoMetadata​
- Web and Web mobile
- Mobile
Advice on the Synchronized Data Panel implementation:
- The width of the overlay must be responsive
- The HTML must contain this tag to be compatible with iOS:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1 user-scalable=no">
- To enable navigation, define a Single Page Application navigation without a redirect
Every HTML Data Panel receives a query string parameter named templateName
with these possible values:
: Used for Data Panel display on Tablets, where the background of the overlay in DIVA is dark with a blurred videofullVideo
: Used for Data Panel display on Tablets, where the background of the overlay in DIVA is the videosideBySide
: Used for Data Panel display on Tablets, where the background of the overlay in DIVA is darkleftSideVideo
: Used for Data Panel display on Tablets, where the background of the overlay in DIVA is the videorightSideVideo
: Used for Data Panel display on Tablets, where the background of the overlay in DIVA is the video
Every HTML Data Panel receives a query string parameter named templateName
with these possible values:
: Used for the SnapStats overlay on Smartphones and Tablets, where the background of the overlay in DIVA is darkmobileLandscape
: Used for the Data Panel display on Tablets, where the background of the overlay in DIVA is darkmobilePortrait
: Used for the Data Panel display on Smartphones, where the background in DIVA is white
Tech external integration​
- New HTML Overlay Workflow
- New HTML Overlay Example Template
- New HTML Overlay Visual Behavior
- New HTML Overlay Utilities
DIVA translations​
The localization of the text in Synchronized Data Panels is defined in the pushEngine.
For the Synchronized Data Panels feature, DIVA raises external Analytics events.
Product documentation​
For Synchronized Data Panel visuals and behaviors, visit the DIVA help centre.