Mobile | Web | TV Platforms | ||||
- Android mobile, iOS mobile, Android Tablet, iOS tablet, Web
- Web TV
- AndroidTV, Roku
- tvOS
Feature detail:
- Configurable via setting file
- Up to 3 types for VOD (short, medium, long)
- 1 types for Live videos (live)
- Duration of every HL calculated when video is loaded
- Duration of every single piece of the HL calculated with this rule: PbP seekBack time + 15 seconds
- If an HL produces 0 second of duration we remove this choice
- Resume option if the user seeks outside the HL boundaries
- PlayByPlay text displayed under the video for every action
- The timeline graphically distinguishes the parts that make the HL
- The timeline icons that are not included in the HL selected became transparent
- Available on SideBySide mode
- Simplified and HL focused user interface
Feature detail:
- Configurable via setting file
- Up to 3 types for VOD (short, medium, long)
- 1 type for Live videos (live)
- HL are shown as soon as the data is loaded and the timeline events filtered are available
- Duration of every single piece of the HL calculated in real time with this rule: PbP seekBack time + 15 seconds
- If an HL produces 0 second of duration we remove this choice
- PlayByPlay text displayed under the video for every action
- The timeline graphically distinguishes the parts that make the HL
- The timeline icons that are not included in the HL are removed during playback
- Not possible to seek and skip freely during HL playback, it is possible to skip to the events provided
Feature detail:
- Configurable via setting file
- Up to 3 types for VOD (short, medium, long)
- 1 type for Live videos (live)
- HL are shown as soon as the data is loaded and the timeline events filtered are available
- Duration of every single piece of the HL calculated in real time with this rule: PbP seekBack time + 15 seconds
- If an HL produces 0 second of duration we remove this choice
- PlayByPlay text displayed under the video for every action
- The timeline graphically distinguishes the parts that make the HL
- The timeline icons that are not included in the HL are removed during playback
- it is possible to seek and skip during HL playback
Feature detail:
- Configurable via setting file
- Up to 3 types for VOD (short, medium, long)
- 1 type for Live videos (live)
- Highlights(HL) are shown as soon as the data is loaded and the timeline events filtered are available
- Duration of every single piece of the HL calculated in real time with this rule: PbP seekBack time + 15 seconds. Time overlap is taken in consideration.
- If a HL produces 0 second of duration Diva removes this type
- Current PlayByPlay action text displayed above the video title when UI is displayed
- The timeline icons that are not included in the HL are removed during HL mode
- User is able to return to full match by pressing the full match CTA inside info panel
- A promotion is displayed for 3 seconds when content for a HL type is available for the first time
- Not possible to seek and skip freely during HL playback, it is possible to skip to the events next (if it exist)
DIVA Requirements​
Available from WebTV version 5.3, Roku version 5.3, AndroidTV version 5.3, tvOS version 5.4, available in Web/iOS and Android from 5.0
DIVA Setting​
For defining highlights filters, please refer to the Settings
DIVA Translations​
For highlights translations, please refer to the Dictionary
DIVA Analytics​
Available only in Web, iOS Tablet & Mobile, Android Tablet & Mobile and from tvOS version 5.4
The available analytic events are documented here: