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Subtitle/Captioning and Audio tracks

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The DIVA 5.0 SDK provides the Subtitles, Captioning, and Audio track selection via the player Settings panel (available for live and VOD videos if available in the stream-manifest).

Supported formats: 608, in-stream WebVTT

The DIVA SDK supports Subtitles, Captioning, and Audio track selection for HLS and Dash video formats. External integrators must define the best approach to add the tracks into the manifest file.

DIVA requirements​

The DIVA video player provides some parameters to enable functionality; read on for more information:

DIVA setting and videoMetaData​

DIVA must receive the following Setting parameters:

  • The integrated application is responsible for ensuring the user selection persists across different DIVA sessions. DIVA provides a callback to manage the selection:
val divaListener: DivaListener = object : DivaListener {

override fun onAudioTrackSelected(track: String) {
Log.d("DivaListener", "onAudioTrackSelected - Track selected: $track")

override fun onClosedCaptionTrackSelected(track: String) {
Log.d("DivaListener", "onClosedCaptionTrackSelected - Track selected: $track")


DIVA translations​

  • Subtitles and Captioning label: diva_cc_identifier (where the identifier value is the result of the track found based on the selection method defined)
  • Subtitles and Captioning "disabled" label: diva_cc_disabled
  • Audio tracks label: label value in AudioTrack
  • WebTV Closed Caption selection panel button tooltip: diva_cc_button_tooltip
  • WebTV CC feature Title within settings panel: diva_cc_settings_title
  • WebTV Audio Language selection panel button tooltip: diva_at_button_tooltip
  • WebTV Audio Language selection panel Title: diva_at_settings_title
  • tvOS Audio and close caption languages translations are provided by tvOS based on host application localizations and device language selection.


For Subtitles, Closed Captions, and Audio Tracks, DIVA raises external Analytic events

Known issues and limitations​

Please check the Known issues page for feature specific information.

Product documentation​

For visuals and behaviors, visit the DIVA help centre Audio tracks and DIVA help centre Subtitles and Captioning articles.


tvOS has some special behaviour for this feature.

  • Audio Tracks: The player displays the audio languages that are available in the video manifest, therefore it is recommended to have a video stream manifest that contains only the language(s) to be offered to end users. Translation is provided by tvOS as described above.
  • Closed captions and subtitles: Localisation is provide by tvOS as described above.
  • The Diva player communicates with tvOS to notify when a user has initiated an audio or subtitle change. This allows tvOS to use default behaviour when the integrator hasn't set preferredAudioTrack or/and preferredClosedCaption.


Roku has some special behaviour for this feature.

  • Closed captions Tracks: Video node native component has restricted track api for tracks filtering, only "Language" property is available and used for translation keys generating.
  • Closed captions and Audio Tracks: Both types of tracks changing is available on system level by special system menu. Diva Player synchronizes both selections with internal panels and flow.